Mine is Laurel Heights in a GBD Virgin. Those weather reports from parts of N. America sound scary - hope everyone is alright. Down here it's as hot as hades with pretty regular evening thunderstorms. Best wishes to you guys.
first bowl of the day, Westminster in a Ben Wade;
a frosty 28 degrees, on the back deck. ,may have to erect an Ice fishing shanty for my outdoor smoking
Wow! This has been a great Christmas. I wasn't expecting a thing from anyone but the gifts poured in anyhow. First there was the great Peretti's flake bomb that Ken sent, a great sample trade with Dock M, and I have had several fine and memorable smokes the past few days from the bag of aged samples Natch sent including 10 year old Marlin Flake and Plantation Evening. But, Santa apparently wasn't done and made an unexpected stop here last night, direct from somewhere in the midwest, and delivered an early Christmas present of some Bufflehead American Widgeon, Hermit Vintage Ltd XV3, and Exclusiv Royal along with some of those really cool extra long matches
Smoking the American Widgeon in a Stanwell 252 bent ball. A really fine smooth burley that seems to have some 5100 in it to sweeten it up, and a light brandy (I believe) topping. A great smoke! Thanks Santa
Earlier, In my CAO Laticed Dublin, Brown fl. aro.'03, this is the meer I smoked in the meer coloring contest somes years ago that P&T ran, it's just starting to get some good color now :cheers: :tongue: :rendeer:
Pacem en Puffing! :tongue: :santa:
Was about to have a come-apart so I went out and smoked a bowl of Boswel Northwoods in my Alpha Kappa Prince. Blood pressure almost back to normal again. :tongue:
Sitting on the bed with the laptop, a Red Knight rusticated apple I picked up yesterday, a tin of Peterson's Irish Oak, and an 8 year old Bourbon on my day off. All is right with the world.