What are you snuffing?

Brothers of Briar

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Wilson's of Sharrow Winter Warmer, and too much of it...oh my brain lol
Crumbs of Comfort earlier this morning. Now and from here on out today, High Dry Toast.
Poltergeist for the most part, been too ugly to go out and smoke much. Powerful stuff!
So I read at snuff house that neffa iffrika and dholakia white combined smell like a skunk. I like the smell of skunks and am tempted to try it.

Snuffing fubar grunt combined with No. 666, chocolate menthol spiciness.
Alter Fritz again. There's talk of weather coming akin to an Oregon coast Spring (drizzle turning to rain) This snuff will keep me breathing well!
Same here Wiz.  Snuffing Poschl Lowen-Prise.  (menthol-licorice)

If you like something that will open you up you need to try FUBAR SNAFU Medicated. It doesn’t open you up then make your sinuses clamp down again. It just opens you. A powerful hit...and wonderful.
Poschl Ozona R-type.

It seems that most, if not all, of the Poschl line have about the same thing going...
a moderate hit of menthol followed by a light and moderately sweet fruit type flavor.  
The R-type is Raspberry and follows the pattern.
There is also a C-Type and O-Type Ozona.
What are they? I’ll let you figure that one out.

I think one of the world’s most loved snuffs is the Poschl Gawith Apricot
(now called “Poschl Gawith Classic”).  
It’s really pretty wonderful.

Wilson's of Sharrow Winter Warmer. Finally getting the hang of this and can now do it with out making a huge mess lol

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