What are you snuffing?

Brothers of Briar

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DrumsAndBeer":ndfukw49 said:
gravel":ndfukw49 said:
Non existent. I had some clog with Poschl but not with Bernard's. Granted, I've only used this snuff once.

Noticeably absent was the post snuff throat drip I got with Poschl. This may be due to the absence if menthol in the Bernard's.
Interesting. I really liked both the Brasil and the Beyerischer, but the clog was a bit much for me. I tend to experience that with a moist course grind. Loved the flavors though. Kind of a dark chocolate covered compost smell. Very unique.
Far too soon clog will be a continuous problem, but not due to snuff.
Been a while since I got sick last week.

GH&co Lakeland in the morning, WoS spearmint plus, now some Dholakia Taj.
gravel":5qnlhxs2 said:
Far too soon clog will be a continuous problem, but not due to snuff.
Clog is already on here in Sacramento land. Going to pick up my prescription refill this afternoon.

In the meantime, today's been a High Dry Toast kind of affair with just a bit of Cafe 11.
I've been using Aecht Altbayerischer, Toque Lime Toast, and McC's O&G the last few days.
Not much variety for me lately. Still bouncing between de Kralingse Latakia and SG Black Coffee.
Toque Coke while mulling my next order from MrSnuff,.
Been a few days...

Mostly just GH&co Lakeland, with the occasional Dholakia Taj & WoS spearmint plus.
As part of my "living in exile" routine, I've been surviving off a huge tub of Abraxas Dragun that Kaiser sent me as a "sample". It's great stuff, but after months of nothing else, I've forgotten what everything else smells like.
I just got my first order in from Mr Snuff today. Since i have some sinus drainage, I figured I would try the mentholated stuff first. I had some Rockit Ice cool snuff. My sinuses are clear now :) nice mellow kick as well. Not sure how long it lasts, but we will find out. I am sure I used about 1/4 of what most people use, but it works for me :)
d4klutz":rdsj4bzx said:
I am sure I used about 1/4 of what most people use, but it works for me :)
Better to start small; it's easier to put more in than take it out.  :p 
Its all McC's O&G these days. I pour a little on the back of my hand and take it that way. I've tried the boxcar (or at least my understanding of the boxcar (on the thumb nail, pointer finger wrapped around it), but I think I prefer the back of the hand.

Sometimes, I get a little more than I bargained for and my yes be watering.
well, i dont look like that (or at least I hope I don't)  I just put a little on my pocket knife blade and use that.  LOL, I know it looks wrong, but it is easiest to me.

BTW, Crumbs of Comfort is AMAZING. Wish I had bought more than just two small tins.
Yeah Crumbs is really good.

I have been snuffing mostly Toasts lately so back of the hand or Gravel's man in the boat technique won't work due to the dryness of the snuff. Therefore I employ the Deadly Pincer Grasp.
I finished up my O&G. So good!

Aecht Altbayerischer this week. Now I'm getting a burn. Ugh.
I wanted to change it up. I opened up a new tin: McCrystal Hops. I like it! It isn't an overpowering hop scent, otherwise it would have to be called McC's DoubleHopBountyo'Death.

One negative... today is a day when I could use a beer at work. This isn't cutting it.
I have been snuffing some Morlaix. I didn't like the smell of it in the tin, but once I tried it, I have found that I like it alot. It has a good nic hit and is pleasant in the nostrils.
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