What are you snuffing?

Brothers of Briar

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Old Mill Nocturne

Early morning is out of place with this one, but I wanted to try it. It is dark and brooding. I can smell cocoa, earth, spice, and a hint of smoke.
OM Limoncello. I can't get enough of this stuff.
OM Evangeline.

It is described as: Acadia dampened with Rye Whisky, Absinthe, Jamaican Sarsaparilla root, Sassafras leaves, Wild Cherry Bark, Honey and Meyer Lemon Bitters, fine grind medium moisture.

It smells like a well balanced root beer without the cloying sweetness.
gravel - how strong/potent is the Nocturne aroma/flavor on yours? I got a sample packet with my last order and it seems far less than my tins of Tempete and Marlin Spike in that regard.
It's difficult to compare as I don't have those on hand, but I find it less earthy than Enchanto Domingo. The scent is far more complex. As for potency, it is well behaved. I'd place it as a medium in that regard. The Latakia component is slight, not unlike his Dreamcatcher.

Dholakia Swiss Chocolate affects me more in potency than Nocturne, so my sense of potency may be off- it it may be the grind.

Getting ready to enjoy an early OM Fleur de Cafe.
I think it's a huge testament to Chef Daniel's ability that he's so new to the snuff game, and the last eleven posts in this thread are all his snuffs.

Still Limoncello for now - when I get home I think I might grab the Shandygaff.

"Melba Toast in the Men's Room".

One of the great things about snuff, for me, is like sitting with the family watching TV...American Idol...or whatever...while smoothly and quietly doing pinches of snuff and no one bats an eye. I honestly don't think anyone realizes it...except me of course.
I could be disciplined for violations of the "No Tobacco Policy."

State government at work.
OM Moulin Rouge this morning, OM Limoncello all afternoon.
Blackhorse":apuaggfn said:
Just keep yer nose clean!
It's the allergies that make my nose run!

Today: OM PVT

Now: OM Greyhound.
PD...one of my favorite blends. Excellent! That one really makes my nose run.

But for me...right now...Taxi Blue.  

Interesting side note: the two above blends actually taste quite a lot alike...but the likeness pretty much ends there. I'm thinking that TAXI Blue is double the N factor. And its cousin, TAXI Red is supposed to be quite a bit stronger. Ouch! Actually, I have no idea how much stronger it is, but it's "a lot" stronger.
Thought I'd take one more crack at it....SG Grousemoor.

Nope. Nope nope nope.
OK...the next time you get a hair up and think the big G might have changed for the better...please post here of your intention to give it another shot. As your brothers we're here to talk you back off the ledge.
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