What are your other Hobbies?

Brothers of Briar

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3.5 for me, as well...4th edition makes me want to beat kittens...Not really, but it's bad!
Harlock999":0fwfizje said:
Ah yes the tools of the trade lol. I know people that dont leave the house wwithout a dice bag. Dont worry you could get geekier and not in a good way lol.
Would it be bad to say that I currently have my dice bag in my backpack, for both D&D and Warhammer 40K?

thefoolish":jzi3pz0z said:
Would it be bad to say that I currently have my dice bag in my backpack, for both D&D and Warhammer 40K?

Na its cool lol. ive got a buddy who lives at our local gamestore and im not kidding.
MartinH":bt9jg382 said:
Yeah tell me about it. My wife is a symphony musician, and I used to go every weekend before my little boy came along. Now I just hang out at the house with him, while mommy works on the weekends. There is very little live music, and almost no good live music. We don't even have a good jazz club. The only place that has some acts that I've enjoyed is the Double Door, but that's been a a while.
Wow! Where does your wife play? I´m a symphony musician too! I play trumpet in the Mexico City Phil.

We could get hobiedog1 and form a BoB group! :lol:
Wow where do I begin? lol I hunted since I was "old enough" (by parents opinion not mine) fished since I was 6,animals are a big hobby of mine more on that in a bit. I have a son that will be 8 next month and he is big into legos,not just any legos mind you star wars,and indiana jones are his big time favorites. So in order to get the sets together he has me do that. That in turn got me addicted.

Mental health issues, my son also has some issues such as ADHD (I do as well so forgive me if I am all over the place in posts) OCD, and he shows signs of hording as well. So of course as a parent I read up on those issues as much as I can, not only to understand them ,but also to help him by knowing what do to and a better way of dealing with these issues. As much as it is wrong to do so in the lego society of people lol we glue his big sets together because he gets very upset when they fall apart. He has gotten better though,he now tells us if he wants them glued together or what parts to glue and which ones not to glue on a particular set.

Ok earlier I mentioned having a animal hobby. Ever since I was young I spent hours watching animal shows like nature aand wild kingdom. I have a great respect for them all ,and show them that respect when I hunt or fish for them.we do have a cat,a hampster,an anole , a green tree frog and a simease fighting fish.I also live in an area of NJ that is really close to New York State and near a state park and withen 100 yards of a river, so seeing wildlife and watching them while I am sitting on the back deck is an everyday occurance.

I am getting into archery as of Christmas,a good friend of mine surprised me with a compound bow that she had set up for me. It is used but that is quite fine, because of the thought and reason behind the gift.I am also into firearms quite a bit.If I can convince the wife to move out of NJ and back to Va I am looking to start a collection,including firearms that was used in wars such ans the mausers,AK47,Enfield and so on.

now the geek side. I played D&D ,magic the gathering and my current passion is EQ2 (everquest 2) I have played many games both online and just regular games but eq2 has my attention as of now.

BeersAndBriars, what are your favorite brews? I would love to get into home brewing some day, but I would love to do a lot of things...
I haven't seen Wristcutters yet, though I would like to.. it sounds quite interesting. Tom's performance in Dracula was pretty good.. he has a very natural ability to get into the minds of the characters he plays, as twisted as some of those minds may be lol.

While we're on the topic of movies, I liked the 2010 remake of True Grit quite a bit.. Hailee Steinfeld's character was really enjoyable, and Jeff Bridges, well, he's different than John Wayne for sure, but I think he was very natural at playing a drunken "one-eyed fat man" lol (no offense meant to Jeff, I think he's a great actor). Most of the casting was well done in my opinion. Greatest Coen brothers movie of all time? No, but nothing to be ashamed of either, and IMHO, not a bad way to spend a couple hours.

Cheers! :)
Thomas Tkach":1v4zbg7n said:
BeersAndBriars, what are your favorite brews? I would love to get into home brewing some day, but I would love to do a lot of things...
"Whoa, this is a tough one - there's so many excellent beers available today! Best I can do is narrow it down to a few favorite breweries. Let's see....
Green Flash
Great Divide
Two Brothers
Lost Abbey
Russian River
Flying Dog
Southern Tier

The list goes on and on and on. And that's just the domestic ones..."

You should definitely get into some home brewing my friend! A good place to start is a good book and I recommend "How To Brew" by John Palmer. Then join a club and find some fellow brewers in your area. You'll be making amazing beer in your own home in no time.

MisterE my wife is the piccolo player for the Charlotte Symphony.
MartinH":xbofb924 said:
MisterE my wife is the piccolo player for the Charlotte Symphony.
Wow, I just checked her bio at the Charlote Symph site- we both went to Northwestern! I graduated in ´87 so I´m a few years older... :roll:

The Music world is small....
I guess my main hobby is music. Once upon a time I was in a band, but then I got married, quit the band, and went to work on the railroad. Now the band is doing really well, of course. These days I mostly play clawhammer banjo and guitar, though I've been known to play piano, bass, mandolin, and even some saxophone.

I also listen to quite a bit of music. I listen to everything, and I literally mean everything, except for new country.

I read a lot, mostly fantasy and comics these days.

I like gaming of all sorts, from video games to Warhammer/D&D, and everything in between.

Love movies, of course. Mostly documentaries, westerns, and pre-1990 horror/exploitation. But I'm never closed off to any movie, I'll watch anything.

So that's it for my main hobbies (besides piping). A quick list of backburner hobbies are: hunting/fishing, hiking/camping, Mardi Gras, Irish & U.S. history, collecting a ton of random crap, and animation (the craft and history).
I mentioned a few of my hobbies and that I have ADHD. the cool thing about the disability is it allows you to have many hobbies. Due to the severe lack of concetration I tend to try new things alot, some of them I keep doing others I cast aside without a problem , and even more I combine.

I love working with metals, mainly carbon steel,sometimes aluminum,sometimes tin. I love bending shaping and welding them to make useful items. some of the things I have made are as follows.

A wood stove from 1/4" steel scrap and an old cast iron stove for the parts for a friends dad.
A tree ladder and stand from 1/8th" steel tubing for my cousin
A nutcracker to crack black walnuts for mom since she used so many of them for different recipes.

Wood working is another passion.I love the look of the grain,the smell of the wood,and the thought that even though this tree was taken down for projects it is a renewable source that won't leave a giant gaping hole like mining for metals does. I made a boatload of stuff out of wood.

A storage shed in woodshop in middleschool for the shop teacher.
A potato and onion bin in high school for home (same class as the tree ladder,treestand,and nutcracker)
A bin for the trashcans to keep the bears,raccoons,possums ect out of our garbage

That is just the beginning, I have several plans in mind as well !

I aknowledge the fact that recycling helps alot and that our enviroment is in trouble,I am not one of those ones that are quite overzealous about it meaning I don't tie myself to trees, yell at someone for throwing an aluminum can away ect. I simply do what I can in my way. Like the stove I built from scrap metal and an old stove I got from a scrapyard while dropping off aluminum cans for money/recycleing

I have a huge stack of wood from oak and poplar pallets that I was planning on making shelves out of,but some may become pipe racks,tobacco cabinets,humidors and lord knows what else. The not so great pieces will be kindling for the firepit. Then the ash can be dumped in the flower beds for fertilizer.

I am quite the enviromentalist,Instead of rakeing up my grass clippings and throwing it in the garbage I took some old barrels that I cleaned and turned them into compost barrels for the grass clippings ect. Sometimes a squirrel or chipmunk hides an acorn or maple seed in the compost and it starts growing.Thats when I put them in a pot and when they are big enough I transplant them in the small patch of wood behind the house.

Even though I do hunt and I do fish I do so with a stricter guidline for myself than what the state has. Most fish are catch and release, unless it is flounder,any panfish,catfish and trout. Those still have to make my personal guidlines before going into the fish basket.

Hunting is even more guidlines. I taught myself how to accurately guess the age of a deer by physical characteristics,which I use to determine if I will harvest it or not. Bears arn't so easy so I go by size,do they have cubs,and so on.

As you can read just about everything I do is in the science dept. mainly ecology and biology with some horticulture in there as well. I try to keep as much of a balance in my life as possible, and I will teach my Son to do the same,which he is already starting to do on his own.

Doc Manhattan":xsooc31n said:
thefoolish":xsooc31n said:
Music (old school Rock and Roll, progressive Rock and Metal, and classic Jazz), Books (big time fantasy geek, Russian literature, theological books on every topic from Hinduism to Christianity to Humanism), Dungeons and Dragons, video games, and Mock Trial.

I also work at the Renaissance Faire in St. Louis (could I be geekier?)
You would be geekier if you had specified the rules edition of D&D that you play.

(3.5 ed. over here :pale: )
Oh man, I didn't know you guys were 3.5 ers! I'm a 3.5 kind of guy myself.
Bumping! :D

Painting - I paint mainly watercolours, but also some acrylics, and a load of digital painting for fun. I also draw some comics which is such fun for all the visual humor one can put in there.

Reading - this is not only a hobby but I do read on my free time as well. Some of my favourite authors are Dostoyevsky, Kundera, Bernhard, and Calvino. I enjoy a book with a lot of interesting thoughts.

Hiking - this is quite new to me, but I like to go hiking/camping. There's something so cool about walking for days, seeing sceneries, and of course having some rum and a pipe at the camp fire before sleep.

Bread baking - I'm actually quite serious about this one! I've grown my own sourdough starter, and enjoy exploring new forms and tastes.

Movies - I'm a bit of a movie nerd. Everything from German expressionism to Hong-Kong action, as long as It's good.

Video games - a guilty pleasure. :oops: I haven't had a console of my own for a few years now but I freguent a friend who has several. I tend to be impartial to Nintendos. Dreaming about a (modified) supernintendo.

Traditional crafts, like knitting (mainly socks and mittens), I'd also love to get back to working with a hand loom again, my former landlady taught me everything about working with one, from start to finish, and it was such a great pleasure.

Music. I play in a bar band. I also repair and customize basses and guitars. I do custom builds, as well.

Fly fishing & tying.

Hunting. Not as much as I used to, but I still like to get out and "get the groceries".


I am a brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt

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I love to teach the bible, not sure if that is a hobby or a calling

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/u8apxAULdJU" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" loading="lazy" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I am a painter


I read a lot, especially theology

and of course I am a beginner pipe maker


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