I can't speak for Andrew but I rarely use any kind of writing implements anymore. Lists are pretty easy to put into the new fangled phones, either by typing or even speech to text depending on the phone you've got. I haven't done any work that requires measurements in years as I left all my tools behind in PA for my oldest son. Reconciling my checkbook doesn't take anything as I only ever write a check once in a very rare occasion. Also as to signing cards or writing letters.....well I just never was good at staying in touch. I however still doggedly carry a pen and pencil with me all the time. Old habits die hard. I carry an old school drafting pencil and break it out when the muse strikes and I'll draw something or other. The muse however has been rather silent for the last few years though. So all told I actually use a pen or pencil maybe once a month if that often. I don't count those stupid electronic signature pads at the hospital or pharmacy to be using a pen. Just figured maybe I could shed light on how it's possible Ron.