Yak's new kitty!!

Brothers of Briar

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In response to several questions by caring friends, the Oreo Report :

(The pictures don't much suggest how tiny he really was/is). The poor little booger was about at death's door when we got him. His mother was an outside cat, making most of her living by hunting because the lady in the house couldn't afford to feed her & her kittens very much or very often. Then she got killed by a car & her four kittens were orphaned.

Although the lady half-assedly put food out for them, by the time we got him, he was severely malnourished, and so full of roundworms that he looked like his little belly had a tennis ball in it. And infested with fleas. He was so weak that he tottered on his little legs, trying to walk. He was all bones and unhealthy-looking/feeling fur.

The vet got the roundworms taken care of, & Mrs. Yak's 2-3 times daily shampoos with Dawn dish soap (flea kryptonite) & combings with a special fine-toothed comb (pulling out an unbelieveable number of dead fleas, time after time), special kitten chow (which he hated) & lots & lots of chicken, tuna (gotta be careful with that -- they love it but too much is toxic to them), bits of lebanon bologna from my sandwitches, &c. have him roaring back.

While he had the roundworms & was getting rid of them, his poop was like custard, so vile smelling I couldn't believe it. He literally cleared the room when he'd even fart (and how much volume can a little kitten fart be ?), but that's firmed up now & at least he doesn't gag us. (He knows to use the litter box, but he puts his front paws up on the top edge of it for extra leverage. So when he's done his little paw moves that would be trying to cover it if he were horizontal accomplish nothing, which makes getting it covered depend on yours truly).

What's most gratifying is the turnaround he's made. Once he got healthy enough, Stormy the Vigilant Guardian of the household/active alpha male (grandfather Wolfred the huge Norwegian Skaucat is retired from active service) started teaching him the basic cat skills -- boxing, tackling, wrestling, ambushing & general kitty grabassery with endless patience. This, plus the catnip mice that litter the floor have galvanised him from a happy-go-lucky little goof into Hell on Kitty Wheels. This last week or so with him has been Oreo pouncing on everybody and everything, testing the patience and good nature of not only Stormy Lad & Wolfred, but the lady cats as well (two of whom have precious little of it). Which introduces a complication into kitty cuddles and pets -- sometimes he's in snuggle mode ; other times his response is little kitty claws & teeth at play-level intensity.

As I'm typing this, he's watching the Pirates game on television. He parks on the arm of the davenport, a foot from the screen, and watches it intently.

We didn't want seven, but he gave us no choice. And it was good choice 8)


:cat: :cat: :cat: :cat: :cat: :cat: :cat:
Congrats on Oreo's turnaround, Yak. :cheers:

You and Mrs. Yak obviously have the nak with cats. It's always good to hear a positive story like this, and thanks for the update. :lol:
Neat. Go Oreo, go! (...but a Pirates fan? :scratch: ) :lol:

Also, huge points to the phrase "general cat grabassery."

A good update. I love good news. 8)
Nice story - I'm glad you were able to return his health and he's settling in with the family.

I never knew cat farts could be so potent! :lol!:


(...but a Pirates fan? :scratch: ) :lol:

What can I say ? Despite being a "small market franchise," if the World Series were played in July, we'd have been in contention last year & this year both.

Problem is depth. That takes time when you're building. Past the starting rotation, it's R&R (rookies & re-treads). When the big arms start getting tired, and as starters encounter occasional problems, we don't have fully ready for prime time replacements to plug in. So you play well but lose by one run in the late innings.

That and not hitting worth squat the first couple months each season, then catching fire when we're 10 games back.

We'll get there.

Pirates & Steelers both : every time people pick them to win, they under-perform. Then they get written-off and amaze people. The Pirates have never been favored to win it all. Ever. But they did in '60, '71 & '79.

And were one strike away from it in '81. :(

A lot of what fuels it is carryover memory of Clemente, Face, Mazeroski, Stargell & guys like that.

What the hey -- most of my happy memories are of stuff I did back then too. Doesn't make them any less satisfying.


:cat: :cat: :cat: :cat: :cat: :cat: :cat:

Cats are evil. You can see it in their eyes at night! :shock: They will steal your breath while you sleep. Don't ever die alone in a house with a cat.

Well, the Pirates were pretty darned good this year. They played a few games against the Nationals that they really pulled it together. Historically? Not my area of expertise. I just follow teams from year to year, see who's playing where (and how), and of course, stay Orange & Black around these parts.

Next year, though, I think the Pirates are going to do great. Or is that my way of trying to push down their momentum a little...? :mrgreen: (What, me worry?)

No audio needed yak..

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/eEZMctgaXNQ" frameborder="0" loading="lazy" allowfullscreen></iframe>

As opposed to these idiots

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/zze9EkuAk-8" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" loading="lazy" allowfullscreen></iframe>
C'mon PB, those dogs made a production of it. Excitement, movement, choreography, aural stimulation, precise teamwork, extended drama. The neighborhood is being alerted something interesting is taking place. Come and celebrate with us. Woof. We're enjoying life.

The stoopid cat batted at it a few times and ran off with it,,,boring.
mark":0jcbajxw said:
C'mon PB, those dogs made a production of it. Excitement, movement, choreography, aural stimulation, precise teamwork, extended drama. The neighborhood is being alerted something interesting is taking place. Come and celebrate with us. Woof. We're enjoying life.

The stoopid cat batted at it a few times and ran off with it,,,boring.
Cat's are killing machines, dogs waste time and effort :p
The cat was practiced.

The dogs were facing a novelty & unsure of how to proceed.

Experience difference.


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