Your Favorite Pipe Tobacco Manufacturer

Brothers of Briar

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I'm going to have to go with J.F. Germain because of all the wonderful tobaccos in the Esoterica line. While they do not make my number 1 and 2 favorite tobaccos, they do a damn good job of putting out quality products, so on the whole as a manufacturer I think they take the cake. Everything I've had has been high quality. Dunbar and Tilbury have quickly wormed their way into my favorites, not to mention their work with Stonehaven, Dorchester, and Penzance. I look forward to exploring the rest of their line.

Honorable mention to Samuel Gawith.

One manufacturer I want to explore more is Gawith Hoggarth. Seems like there's a few fans here.
McClelland was my vote, with all the frogs and really a ton of other quality blends.

I might have said Samuel Gawith, if there were any reasonably price/obtainable amount of their tobaccos in the states (sigh).

It would appear Altadis isn't feeling the love,,,,,
Just watched the video.... simply enlightening and amazing....

One thing that jumped out at me was how "hands on" the procedure is from the raw leaf coming in to the tinning.... did you note the large orders going to China and soon to Russia.

How many different hands touch the tobacco from the field to the tin...? incredible.

Thanks Kap... now to read the article...
Slow Puffs":mmzq34kq said:
Just watched the video.... simply enlightening and amazing....

One thing that jumped out at me was how "hands on" the procedure is from the raw leaf coming in to the tinning.... did you note the large orders going to China and soon to Russia.

How many different hands touch the tobacco from the field to the tin...? incredible.

Thanks Kap... now to read the article...
Indeed. I would bet the overseas orders are mostly for GLP blends.

Now, if only McClelland would let someone into their operation to do a bit of filming!