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Brothers of Briar

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Enjoyed a bowl of freshly made strawberry ice cream, and have now passed the quarter mark of this bowl of Wilke No. 72 in a pre-1974 dark brown straight Larus & Brother Co. Signature billiard with a nickel band and a tapered black vulcanite stem with the initials LCR on the top of the stem. This blend was smoked by Walter Cronkite. Working and listening to The Lone Ranger from my radio collection.
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Just finished work for the day, and am close to finishing this bowl of 2021 Watch City Simply VOriental in a straight smooth medium brown 1930s Wilshire 5 bulldog (Comoy’s second) made for John’s Pipe Shop in Los Angeles with a black vulcanite saddle stem.
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Thank you. It’s one of two vintage Marzi and Remy humidors I picked up on eBay. If you’re patient you can find them for a decent price.
To be honest, I'm looking for a 1970s-'80s Captain Black humidor. In my area when I was a kid Captain Black was huge among the older guys who worked at Sun Ship Building in Chester, Pennsylvania. Union Leader has a special place in my heart because of my great grandfather, but my uncle and a lot of the welders at the ship yard smoked Dr. Grabows with a pouch of CB original in their shirt pockets.
Good Afternoon my friends and fellow BoBs 😊
To start my smokes on this rather windy and dull day. I'm going to fill a bowl of Leonardo in a Savinelli Leonardo limited edition 74/500. As I mentioned, it's a miserable day in England today, but we have been promised a Heatwave starting next week, but I won't hold my breath on that. Have a great day everybody 😊
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Passing the half way mark of this bowl of pre-2014 Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 2014 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend squashed tomato with an aluminum band and a black pearl acrylic stem in the military mount style.
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Well, plumber got here early. Turned out to be a bigger problem than anticipated. Leaking supply line inside the wall. Can't access it from the bathroom side so will have to take off about 10 sq. ft. of the outside wall planking, fix leak, wait gor the studs and joists to dry out then replace siding. Probably go over 2K by the time they're done. Called insurance, agent cautioned us about turning in a claim. Said it could raise the premiums as much as 50 to 76%. What good is having insurance if you can't file a claim without raising your rates. Anyway, trying to relax with some Hobbits Weed in a Pete Xmas Deerstalker and more strong black coffee. Have a great day everyone.