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Brothers of Briar

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Kind of a long day. Had early dinner at the casino. Didn't win any money but at least dinner was free, so I'm still ahead, lol. Pleasant breeze on the patio offsetting the 80 degree temps. Having CS Baker Street in a Design blasted bent billiard sans filter. Cabernet wine on the side. Have to go for a CAT scan tomorrow. The lymph node on the right side of my neck is swollen. Discovered it over the weekend. Praying it's not my lymphoma coming back. Treated for it 15 years ago, supposed to be in remission. Anyway, have a good evening my friends.
I'll am praying for you @Ranger107 . God bless you.
Very busy day yesterday, so no pipe. Today, I am working for Swede again at the bluff, but still at home. I had a nice piece of blueberry cobbler (picked from our 2 bushes) made by my wife with vanilla ice cream before my oatmeal. I wanted a little something sweet on my stomach for this bowl 2023 C&D The Beast mixed 50/50 with Sutliff 515-RC1 in an MM General with forever stem and coffee to drlnk. I've been craving the RC1 since my last bowl left a really nice loong-lasting after taste. A good day to you all, and will check in later.
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"Eat dessert first, because life is short."
The weather is tolerable this morning. I'm on the patio smoking KBV Burley Morning Pipe in a Jensen's N.O. bent acorn with saddle stem, drinking coffee and reading a book.
@Ranger107 Praying it's all good news today

Today it's a MM cob filled with MM country gentleman, smoked by an ex-city slicker.
I usually smoke my tobacco more moist than this tobacco is. There was a slight crackle noise which I took to mean it's too dry. Smoked well though so I might have a lot to learn about what humidity is ideal.
Couldn't sleep because of all the drama between Sam the Scamp, Sleepy Suzy and Molly Danger, so I'm up and smoking pre-2014 Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 2014 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend squashed tomato with an aluminum band and a black pearl acrylic stem in the military mount style. Watching Mad Dog Russo.
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Forgot to post my Father's Day smoke. My wife got me the Missouri Meerschaum 155th Anniversary pipe. Had it with my special Random Aromatics blend. It was 'yummeh', as the kids say. Would have been better if not 900° out, but could have been sideways rain, too, so there's that.

Will take her out for the second smoke today, if work let's me catch a break.
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I wish I had one of those155th anniversary MMs to add to my collection. On Father's Day, my firstborn son arrived from New York with his family in tow. Son has just taken up pipe smoking, so we sat together on the porch and had a communal smoke. Words cannot express how wonderful that was. I gifted him some pipes and tobaccos and a Czeck tool (he uses a broad-headed nail), and he presented me with several bags of various tobaccos. We both smoked Peterson pipes.

Smoking solo is wonderful and reflective, but sharing a bowl with a friend or relative has a special, shared quality to it. We talked about things we had never mentioned before, and the memory of that afternoon will stay with me for some time to come. Hope you all had a wonderful Fathers' Day.
Not far from finishing this bowl of year 2020 Watch City Rouxgaroux in a smooth medium bend 2021 Peterson POTY Natural 4AB No. 6/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. Watching the Braves-Tigers game.
Enjoyed a tasty lunch, and am almost half way through this bowl from a freshly opened box of year 2021 Erik Stokkebye 4th Generation Evening Flake in a smooth medium bend 2021 Peterson Ebony POTY 4AB No. 422/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. Gold Star mmmMocha, neat, is my drink. Time to clean a few pipes.
@Ranger107 Praying it's all good news today

Today it's a MM cob filled with MM country gentleman, smoked by an ex-city slicker.
I usually smoke my tobacco more moist than this tobacco is. There was a slight crackle noise which I took to mean it's too dry. Smoked well though so I might have a lot to learn about what humidity is ideal.
You could try the pinch and release method. If it still clumps on release, it's likely to wet.