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Brothers of Briar

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Now smoking 2018 Sutliff Walnut Match in a 1990s smooth brown medium bend briar calabash shaped Butz-Choquin Maitre Pipier JR Fait Main with a horn ferrule and a black vulcanite stem. I should be able to end the day with this smoke.
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Good morning everybody ☺️
It's another scorcher of a day in old blighty today, it's not even midday, and it's already at 29° and rising.
But I digress. This morning I'm going to start my smokes with an Erik Nording great dane, filled with Early Morning pipe.
And wish you all an awesome day
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"...'hot enough to boil a monkey's bum, Your Majesty,' I said..."

Gotta love Monty Python.

The last half of the drive last night from work was all sideways rain and 30mph+ wind. When I got home, I walked in the front door, and my wife and youngest were sitting in the living room in the dark. Power went out just a minute before I got home. I turned around and started to walk out the door, saying, "I'm going back to work!" :LOL:

But anyway, after eating a supper of cold pasta salad, we played a boardgame to pass the time, then went outside to smoke a pipe; a MM Elf Cobbit to be specific. My youngest got his MM Patriot out - his only pipe - and we both smoked my random aromatics. Wife joined us too, and we sat outside until it got dark and we were tired (the rain had stopped earlier).

I say all that to get to this: it was definitely a unicorn smoke, and with unspecific tobacco! My son did well too. Last time we had a pipe together, I told him (again) how to pack his pipe, and he actually did it this time. He noted that it smoked cooler than ever before, and he really enjoyed it. Of course, as a 19 year old would, he said, "how come you never told me how to do this?" I remarked that I had, and that he didn't listen. He replied, "yeah, I probably didn't."

What promised to be a drab evening with no entertainment turned out to be very pleasant evening indeed.
"...'hot enough to boil a monkey's bum, Your Majesty,' I said..."

Gotta love Monty Python.

The last half of the drive last night from work was all sideways rain and 30mph+ wind. When I got home, I walked in the front door, and my wife and youngest were sitting in the living room in the dark. Power went out just a minute before I got home. I turned around and started to walk out the door, saying, "I'm going back to work!" :LOL:

But anyway, after eating a supper of cold pasta salad, we played a boardgame to pass the time, then went outside to smoke a pipe; a MM Elf Cobbit to be specific. My youngest got his MM Patriot out - his only pipe - and we both smoked my random aromatics. Wife joined us too, and we sat outside until it got dark and we were tired (the rain had stopped earlier).

I say all that to get to this: it was definitely a unicorn smoke, and with unspecific tobacco! My son did well too. Last time we had a pipe together, I told him (again) how to pack his pipe, and he actually did it this time. He noted that it smoked cooler than ever before, and he really enjoyed it. Of course, as a 19 year old would, he said, "how come you never told me how to do this?" I remarked that I had, and that he didn't listen. He replied, "yeah, I probably didn't."

What promised to be a drab evening with no entertainment turned out to be very pleasant evening indeed.
"She turned me into a newt!"
Last night I headed off to bed with the Jansen's N.O. bent volcano half full of Sutliff Rum & Maple. I decided to do the dgt thing and left it out. This morning I loaded some more tobacco and it seems to work quite well. Drinking Colombian coffee and reading a book makes for a fine start to the day.
Good morning BoBs. Finally getting around to finishing the smoke I started at 7:30. Urban Cowboy in a Butz Choquin magnum bent brandy and my 1st mug of morning coffee. On the phone with Bosch for over an hour trying to get an instruction manual for the new dishwasher. What a PITA Finally got it printed out. 41 freaking pages of jibberish. Too many buttons, too many options. Must have been written by some frustrated MIT dropout. Sheesh. Have to finish this up quick. Need to be at the Legion for an Honor Guard event in an hour or so. Have a great day everyone.
"She turned me into a newt!"
"Oi got better..."
Topped off my mostly gone dgt Dunbar with a mix of Prince Albert and a PS English Oriental Supreme in the Savinelli Trevi 320EX. Stopped at a local grocery store today to get some kippered herring for lunch, and saw a pouch of Half and Half for under $3. Too late, I'd already checked out and don't need much more tobacco in the codger vein. Any smokers of this that want to give an impression? Maybe I'll stop for lunch there again. They also SWR in a pouch.
To my tongue, Half and Half has the flavor profile described by other users but I also get a rasin smell and taste. It's unlike a lot of other tobaccos and I sometimes find myself wanting a bowl of it. It's fine. I like SWR, PA, and Granger better as far as codgers are concerned. I hold Velvet in a similar place: unique and occasionally appealing, and I like all mentioned blends better than Carter Hall.

Today I had around half a bowl of Lane BCA in my cob. Packing for a trip up to Washington for a friend's wedding when I get home from work today. I'll be back Monday day to post about my time there and what I'm smoking. Until then, God bless you all and have a great weekend.
Starting off my smoking day with a bowl of pre-2014 Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 2014 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend squashed tomato with an aluminum band and a black pearl acrylic stem in the military mount style. Ice water and bergs is my drink. Getting ready to watch the Pirates-Reds game until the Braves-Cards play.
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Good morning BoBs. Finally getting around to finishing the smoke I started at 7:30. Urban Cowboy in a Butz Choquin magnum bent brandy and my 1st mug of morning coffee. On the phone with Bosch for over an hour trying to get an instruction manual for the new dishwasher. What a PITA Finally got it printed out. 41 freaking pages of jibberish. Too many buttons, too many options. Must have been written by some frustrated MIT dropout. Sheesh. Have to finish this up quick. Need to be at the Legion for an Honor Guard event in an hour or so. Have a great day everyone.
I have a particular beef when 75% of the manual consists of CYA safety cautions.
Enjoyed a tasty lunch, and am half way through this bowl of year 2020 Watch City Rouxgaroux in a smooth medium bend 2021 Peterson POTY Natural 4AB No. 6/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. Gold Star Jamaican Estate Reserve, neat, is my drink. Watching the Braves-Cards play the first game of a double header.
About a quarter of a bowl left of Peretti Blend W in a straight black sandblasted circa 1950s Comoy’s Peterson’s made for Peterson, Ltd. in Wisconsin billiard with a tapered black vulcanite stem. Tomato the Brave wanted to eat, but Harry the Hairy gave him a ton of angst. I picked Tomato up, and brought him inside to eat. When I let him out, Abner the Eager was waiting for me, and I let him in eat. He did a lot of that, and I suspect he didn't eat much in the time he was gone because he's definitely lost weight. His paw looks pretty good now, though. He didn't want to go out, and when I did put him out, he growled a little and tried to come back in. It's over a hundred degrees on the heat index so I can't blame him, but, as we used to keep him in a lot. I know he misses us. I also know he's interested in Sam the Scamp, and both of them had their ideas about making babies. Between that and Abner spraying the last two times he stayed inside when he saw Sam's scampers, that just ain't gonna happen.
Half way through this bowl of year 2013 Capstan Blue Flake in a 2015 Ryan Alden quarter bend burgundy sandblasted Queen of Hearts freehand with a black acrylic saddle stem. Ice water and bergs is my drink. When my friend left a some minutes ago, Abner the Eager was chattering a bit as he snuck in the house. He didn't used to talk much, but he's certainly making up for lost time last night and today. He's still hungry, so I gave him more to eat. Sam the Scamp was watching him closely, so as soon as Abner finished, I picked him up and put him outside. He wasn't happy about that at all.
Not far from finishing this bowl of year 2012 Rolando’s Own in a smooth straight early ‘60s Lane era “William Conrad” Charatan Executive Extra Large stretch apple with diagonal channel cuts on the lower right and left of the bowl along with a black vulcanite double comfort saddle stem.
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