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Brothers of Briar

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More Hunting Creek in my Pete Middleton at the gun club last night. Frankly it was a bit windy for a pipe and therefore not the best smoke I've ever had, but hey - ya pays yer money and ya takes yer chances, right? In between rounds I flipped open the lid on the container for dumping empties and got behind it for some help in relighting; opened my box of matches: one left! On a wing and a prayer I struck it, and you know the rest: it went out almost immediately and I had to wait till after the round to get back to my truck to finish the bowl :mad:! Annie and I did OK considering the wind, but not great: 19/25 and 20/25


A word about this thread: I really enjoy it and look at most every post. I don't always hit "like" on every post but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate them all. I'll most always "like" a Peterson pic (you know: the Brotherhood and all ;)) and a pic or post that particularly speaks to me. But please don't feel slighted if I don't give ya a "like", especially on some of the old favorites that I've seen so many times I feel like I own them :ROFLMAO:!
I encountered 5 roaming juvenile wild turkey friends this morning. Now having a bowl of C&D Steamworks 2024 in a KBB Yello-Bole Honey Cured Briar shape 2213B. To me, this is the best author shape pipe. In the picture, I only now recognized some faint writing above the Yello-Bole that I need to magnify to figure it out. This pipe has a sort of stinger, and based on what I've read, it dates from the 1930's. Oh, and it is smoking this blend wonderfully and giving my Petersons a run for their money. That is a hickory nut husk whittled out for a crude pipe rest and my stick tamper.

Good morning BoBs. Well, it's cheating Thursday so following Zippos lead with Urban Cowboy in a Sav Hercules 606EX and a big mug of CR morning coffee. For a change I'm actually getting a bit of burley taste coming through. I didn't mention it yesterday so as not to worry anyone but Tuesday pm after my chemo I had an episode, attack, spasm, not sure what to call it. Wife had gone for Dr appt, I was doing some book work in my office when a wave overtook me and I started shivering uncontrollably. Lasted for maybe 20 minutes. Tried to get up but was dizzy and sat back down. Luckily Carole came home about 15 minutes later. Being the retired RN she immediately took my vitals. Fever of 103. She said you need to go to the ER. I didn't want to go but she called my oncologist and he said take him to the ER NOW. So she did. 6 hours later and a bunch of tests revealed no cause at all. Temp had dropped to 100.1. Doc advised staying overnight for observation. I declined and went home. Wife gave me a Zanex. Crashed and slept like a log till 6 the next day. Woke up feeling normal except very tired which is usual for the day after chemo. Up and around today and feeling mostly normal again. No idea what caused the convulsions. Maybe a reaction to the chemo?? Anyway I'm back with you guys and doing okay. Take care and have a great day my friends. Oh, I Goldberg, sorry about your back pain. Been there, done that. Hope you're better soon.
Starting off my smoking day with a bowl of pre-2014 Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 2014 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend squashed tomato with an aluminum band and a black pearl acrylic stem in the military mount style. Ice water and bergs is my drink. M'lady left a note saying that she fed all the ferals except for the absent Abner the Eager. After I read that, I poked my head out the front door to check if the rain had stopped. It's lightly sprinkling, which doesn't surprise me since our local inAccu-weather said that the sun would be out. I saw Abner on top of my car, and called to him. He was running like a freight train, yipping and meowing all the way to me. He certainly has become more talkative. Anyway, he just finished eating and is laying on Daisy the Feral Princess' blanket. Daisy is snoozin' on the bathroom mat. I'm watching the Braves-Reds game.
Basil_squashed_ tomato copy.jpg
Good morning BoBs. Well, it's cheating Thursday so following Zippos lead with Urban Cowboy in a Sav Hercules 606EX and a big mug of CR morning coffee. For a change I'm actually getting a bit of burley taste coming through. I didn't mention it yesterday so as not to worry anyone but Tuesday pm after my chemo I had an episode, attack, spasm, not sure what to call it. Wife had gone for Dr appt, I was doing some book work in my office when a wave overtook me and I started shivering uncontrollably. Lasted for maybe 20 minutes. Tried to get up but was dizzy and sat back down. Luckily Carole came home about 15 minutes later. Being the retired RN she immediately took my vitals. Fever of 103. She said you need to go to the ER. I didn't want to go but she called my oncologist and he said take him to the ER NOW. So she did. 6 hours later and a bunch of tests revealed no cause at all. Temp had dropped to 100.1. Doc advised staying overnight for observation. I declined and went home. Wife gave me a Zanex. Crashed and slept like a log till 6 the next day. Woke up feeling normal except very tired which is usual for the day after chemo. Up and around today and feeling mostly normal again. No idea what caused the convulsions. Maybe a reaction to the chemo?? Anyway I'm back with you guys and doing okay. Take care and have a great day my friends. Oh, I Goldberg, sorry about your back pain. Been there, done that. Hope you're better soon.
@Ranger107 praying for you and Carole and for wisdom for all doctor included.
Smoking my Caminetto billiard with C&D Apricots & cream,Folgers k-cup. The tobacco is pretty good,room note is very pleasant. Probably could of used some drying time as It took 3 or 4 times to get it going. A few times so far their was a snap,crackle in the bowl, I am assuming that being from the liquor apricot casing.
Ranger,you have to be very careful going thru these treatments,Chemo has some nasty side effects and peoples bodies re-act differently. If nothing else,remember it`s better to be safe than sorry! I am happy that you survived that episode and your still with us here.
Good morning BoBs. Well, it's cheating Thursday so following Zippos lead with Urban Cowboy in a Sav Hercules 606EX and a big mug of CR morning coffee. For a change I'm actually getting a bit of burley taste coming through. I didn't mention it yesterday so as not to worry anyone but Tuesday pm after my chemo I had an episode, attack, spasm, not sure what to call it. Wife had gone for Dr appt, I was doing some book work in my office when a wave overtook me and I started shivering uncontrollably. Lasted for maybe 20 minutes. Tried to get up but was dizzy and sat back down. Luckily Carole came home about 15 minutes later. Being the retired RN she immediately took my vitals. Fever of 103. She said you need to go to the ER. I didn't want to go but she called my oncologist and he said take him to the ER NOW. So she did. 6 hours later and a bunch of tests revealed no cause at all. Temp had dropped to 100.1. Doc advised staying overnight for observation. I declined and went home. Wife gave me a Zanex. Crashed and slept like a log till 6 the next day. Woke up feeling normal except very tired which is usual for the day after chemo. Up and around today and feeling mostly normal again. No idea what caused the convulsions. Maybe a reaction to the chemo?? Anyway I'm back with you guys and doing okay. Take care and have a great day my friends. Oh, I Goldberg, sorry about your back pain. Been there, done that. Hope you're better soon.
I'm glad your feeling better today my friend, got everything crossed for you over here mate
Enjoyed a tasty lunch, and am near the half way mark of this bowl of year 2020 Watch City Rouxgaroux in a smooth medium bend 2021 Peterson POTY Natural 4AB No. 6/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. Lavazza Classico, neat, is my drink. Made it a little stronger than usual by accident. Very deep flavor, and btw, I'm not reviewing it! :) The sun just came out, so maybe I'll get a set of walking reps in after the ballgame. Sleepy Suzy is snoozin' by my side.
No idea if I mentioned this earlier, but I had back surgery on Monday. They sent me home yesterday. I think the 100' walk around the back of the house so I could avoid stairs about killed me in its own way.

Sitting at the table having coffee. I don't think I'll be posting much for a few days. There is literally no position that is comfortable.
Hope you mend well, soon.
I just woke up from a relaxing nap,enjoying a half bowl of Symphony because I have to be at work in an hour. Pete Strand,mug of Peet`s dark roast. I hope that I am not walking into a sh-tshow like Last night. I had nothing but problems last night!
After company left I refilled the MM Missouri Pride with GLP Abingdon and I'm taking some down time.
Archie & Billy are having down time too!
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A marvelous photo!! It's amazing that their faces haven't changed that much. I'd recognize them anywhere. Thanks, a bunch, buddy. That truly makes my day.

Did a set of walking reps, and smoked a bowl of year 2015 D&R A.B. Rimboche in an undated slight bend, smooth flame grain Wessex Standard egg with a brown accent on the black vulcanite saddle stem.

Currently, I am close to finishing this bowl of year 2020 C&D Virginia Flake in a straight medium brown 1922-1937 Irish Free State era Peterson 222 bullcap with a sterling silver band and a tapered black vulcanite p-lip stem.
Irish Free State bullcap_222.jpg
My appointment to review my bloodwork was positive, my cholesterol is once again within normal parameters. I am grateful and relieved. It is a small thing in comparison with challenges some of you others are facing and I wish you all the best.

I enjoyed a bowl of Borkum Riff in the MMBB after lunch. I am thinking of having a bowl of Pegasus in my Tomato meer before dinner with a cup of coffee.


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