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Brothers of Briar

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  1. babysinister

    H.P. Lovecraft

    MisterE, if you can wade past his writing style which can be best described as, er, old fashioned, frequently convoluted and with a penchant for purple prose, you'll acquire this taste. Play past all that and you will get to the heart of Lovecraft. I guess the best story to start with is The...
  2. babysinister

    Big Ben

    I have a smallish Big Ben Imperial bent apple that is one of my favorite aro smokers. For a relatively inexpensive pipe (when I bought it from Frenchys now defunct e-tailer shop back in the day), it has very good internal "engineering" and stem-mortise fit. For some reason, these internals...
  3. babysinister

    The Persian Slipper

    I understand that the slipper retained the foot aroma of its original Persian owner, which was tantamount to Mixture 79 casing.
  4. babysinister

    H.P. Lovecraft

    And now you can download all of Lovecraft (or practically) into your Kindle or Nook. He was inducted at last in the Library of America editions, with a volume of his short stories, edited by Peter Straub (one of the interviewees in the documentary Fear of the Unknown). Many of the mainstream...
  5. babysinister

    Got to stay off the internet...

    Isn't that the Assyrian demon in the archeological dig in the opening scene of The Exorcist? Be afraid. Be very afraid.
  6. babysinister

    Free Samples From Russ - Hearth & Home

    Also remember that preparing for and participating in the recent pipe show could have tied up the staff of all pipe tobacco businesses and could account for the delay. Let's do yoga exercises that induce patience.
  7. babysinister

    Butera blends

    My aged Kingfisher tins all have a Made in the Isle of Jersey label in the back. I've always understood that Kingfisher (and other Butera blends) are produced and tinned by Germain. BTW, check those rectangular Butera tins frequently, as they sometimes tend to lose the vacuum seal.
  8. babysinister

    Churls and Fools

    If I understood the original post correctly, the OP was referring to his experience on another board and, since that was the premise of this thread, so was I.
  9. babysinister

    The best pipe you own

    A Savorys Argyll #140, which I bought new in the early 70s, is still my best smoker and is dedicated to virginias and vapers. I won't have it radically restored for fear of messing with perfection.
  10. babysinister

    Churls and Fools

    Too true. There are different sub-varieties of forum trolls. They have one basic thing in common: they hide behind the relative anonymity of internet forums to be much more aggressive and insulting than they would dare in a real-life, face to face encounter. They chafe with longheld feelings...
  11. babysinister

    The dark side of estate pipes...

    I had the same experience with a Royal Stuart canadian (old Sasieni seconds line). A ton of pipecleaners dipped in cleaning liquid kept coming out bleck from inside the shank. Even the stem was a problem. The liquid finally managed to soften the crud inside the stem (yes - the stem!) for...
  12. babysinister


    Awesome. I was struggling to hear the fiddle in the background heard in the Bonnie & Clyde soundtrack version. Lol.
  13. babysinister


    I'm in South Florida. A few days ago I asked Park-Lane in NY to hold my recent order until Irene had left my area. Well, we dodged the bullet here but last I checked it's headed for NY! Of course it may swerve away yet, as long-range projections are variable.
  14. babysinister

    Butera Tins...

    I have three tins of Kingfisher. All are stamped 100023.
  15. babysinister

    Actor Glenn Ford

    But they're better than mine that's for sure! Lol, Inspector Maigret would have been pleased!
  16. babysinister

    Actor Glenn Ford

    May Glenn Ford in Heaven forgive me for continuing to perpetrate this threadjacking on my part, but just wanted to add that the poem quoted by the interviewer as the intro to the clip is "La Pipe d'un auteur" ("A writer's pipe"), by the great French poet Charles Baudelaire, one of the first...
  17. babysinister

    Actor Glenn Ford

    I posted the link to that video clip years ago (can't remember at which forum) and, iirc, at one point he says how many pipefuls he smoked per chapter when writing one of his books. I think it added up to 60 pipefuls per book. And he wrote hundreds of them, as he was incredibly prolific. In...
  18. babysinister

    Actor Glenn Ford Sorry, no English translation. But it almost doesn't need one.
  19. babysinister

    Hello From Central Florida

    Welcome to the forum, from a fellow Floridian.
  20. babysinister

    Actor Glenn Ford

    I'm a big fan of Simenon's Maigret series. That still photo of S with his pipes is from a documentary interview from French TV that can be found somehwere online. In it he shows the interviewer how he fills and lights his pipe "une ceremonie". Hint: he didn't have much use for a tamper or the...