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Brothers of Briar

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  1. Dottleman

    First e-Bay estate.

    Where'd you get the retort kit Wolfie?
  2. Dottleman

    Hickory poker

    That's a beauty! You do some fine work. The contrast with the stem is very striking!
  3. Dottleman

    Return of the Rainbow Poplar Burl

    Wow! That's amazing! Beautiful work!
  4. Dottleman

    Tobaccos and proper pairing

    Sounds like a perfect post-prandial pipe my friend! Kudos and it definitely gives me some food for thought (pun intended, of course). But it does beg the question, what to smoke after a bologna sammich? Perhaps Borkum Riff?
  5. Dottleman

    Surbrug's "Special" Restoration

    Restored to former glory! Excellent job sir! :cheers:
  6. Dottleman

    March Radness!!! : Official March BOB Bombing Run

    Little comm problem, but we have successful payload deployment. Circling back for hit confirmation...
  7. Dottleman

    March Radness!!! : Official March BOB Bombing Run

    Pre-flight run up...
  8. Dottleman

    My fantastic pipe cabinet....

    Second Ron's motion. That wee calabash is awesome! Now if you can just catch the leprechaun who was smoking it...
  9. Dottleman

    Latest adventure

    Great pics Stick and a special commendation for "McGuyvering" a projector to view the eclipse. Thanks for sharing!
  10. Dottleman

    Hello From The North Left Part

    Welcome Mike! Enjoy your time with the BoB!
  11. Dottleman

    Old Meer repair

    Couldn't have said it better. From the pics I've seen of your figural pipe collection, I bet it's really something in person. Nice job on the Meer. I know who I'm coming to with repair questions!
  12. Dottleman


    My two cents - I don't care for the taste after a bowl has sat too long. I smoke it and if i'm interrupted and the bowl is cold - I dump it out. That said, it's mind over matter. If you don't mind then it doesn't matter.
  13. Dottleman

    Short Pipes...

    Seriously, do you lie awake at night and think these things up? LMAO!!! :lol!:
  14. Dottleman

    New Guy

    Welcome aboard Gonzo! You couldn't ask for a better and more helpful group.
  15. Dottleman

    Greeting from the "Great North Woods of Lake Superior" MI

    Welcome to BoB Wildebriar! I'm sure you'll find the company most satisfactory as we're a good and friendly lot.
  16. Dottleman

    No name with a P-lip?

    Now this is genuine gold gentlemen. I tip my hat to you sir.
  17. Dottleman

    Freehand cherrywood sitter

    Very nice work! How many pipes have you made so far?
  18. Dottleman

    "The Ketchup Smell" - McClelland Red Va Blends

    Great thread, but every time I think it's safe to drink something without shooting it out my nose, along comes Ron!!! You sir, are a safety hazard. Awesome Skynrd reference BTW.
  19. Dottleman

    Birthday Pipe

    Wow! That's a great pipe and a terrific story. I can't think of a better connection to a pipe than something like that. Enjoy it and Happy Birthday amigo!!!