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Brothers of Briar

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  1. Winslow

    Large smooth meerschaum

    Fikri Baki is a class act along with Deniz Ural the owner of Bestmeerschaums.I've got 3 Baki pipes and they are of the first class.I hope that deep chamber smokes well for you,you are going to have to have a long pick to work that pipe.The tobacco may get so wet that it won't burn well when you...
  2. Winslow

    Free tobacco from Altadis

    Upper right corner,request pipe tobacco sample. Winslow :sunny:
  3. Winslow

    Free tobacco from Altadis

    As a retired postal worker it does not surprise me that a tin was squashed in shipping. I expect things like that and when I get one undamaged I am amazed. This blend #5 is a light English mixture,not too interesting to my taste but the price was right. Winslow :sunny:
  4. Winslow

    Free tobacco from Altadis

    I received my free sample of Altadis Tobacco today,I forgot when I sent away for it, maybe a couple months ago?It is a 1.5 ounce tin of Blend #5,whatever that may be. I shall crack it open shortly and check it out.Three cheers for Altadis :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: Winslow :sunny:
  5. Winslow

    What are you smoking?

    The tobacco always tastes so good when you have a few Vicodins going on.Didn't the dentist give you a RX for some? Winslow :sunny:
  6. Winslow

    So what is everyone doing about their snuff supply?

    I had an e-mail from my supplier today,he said he's dropping nasal snuff after next month because of onerous federal red tape. O.K. then,here's what I'll do.......have it sent over from the U.K. by friends I have over there with whom I trade tobaccos sometimes.No B.S. with credit cards and...
  7. Winslow

    What are you smoking?

    Hal O' the Wynd in a 1997 Peterson Year pipe,taking a couple of Bill's Friends over to the lake and we'll see what today brings. Winslow :sunny:
  8. Winslow

    What are you smoking?

    Celtic Talisman in a meer,yesterday I loaded a bowl of this,walked over to the lake,and caught a Bass on my first cast.I believe the oils of the tobacco transferred to my lure by handling had something to do with this miracle. :shock: Winslow :sunny:
  9. Winslow

    Billy Budd...

    A foul,noxious tobacco that offends anyone and everyone.I can't condem this blend too much,it deserves it. :x Winslow :sunny:
  10. Winslow

    Bear is a fun guy,always love to read his B.S. about the pipes.Maybe you burn out making a job out of a hobby? The great thing we have is with the internet and being able to shop around for our pipes and tobaccos.Who knows how long this will all last? I can remember .79 cent pouches of...
  11. Winslow

    Still around

    Nice to know you are still running around enjoying life.I have always stuck up for you when someone tried to disparage your character. :x Winslow :sunny:
  12. Winslow

    What does FTRPLT mean?

    Were you a "Road Guard" at Lackland as I was? :) Remember the WAF's marching by?A scary bunch they were in those days. Winslow :sunny:
  13. Winslow

    What does FTRPLT mean?

    I know some people in "Birds of a Feather".Fine people. Winslow :sunny:
  14. Winslow

    OK, who's gonna break the piggy bank for this one?

    Well PB,it does say make an offer....make them a $50 offer and see what they say. Let us know what happens. :lol: Winslow :sunny:
  15. Winslow

    Marlin Flake

    I decoded that signature several days ago with an online converter and concluded that "Brandon" was your own secret. You know how many amatuer detectives there are here....why couldn't it be "Redrum" or "Alucard" so we could solve a mystery? Winslow :sunny:
  16. Winslow

    Hello From Elgin

    Welcome on board. Winslow :sunny:
  17. Winslow

    Greetings from Turkey

    Check it out; Winslow :sunny:
  18. Winslow

    Large radio-controlled planes

    Quite a plane!Costs some dollars to get into that hobby at that level I'll bet. We had those 12.95 plastic planes with the tiny engines when I was a kid,but they only flew in a circle.When some rich kid flew one down by the park we would go watch it. Winslow :sunny:
  19. Winslow

    Gin, the best bang for the buck?

    All the neighbors I've met are transplanted Yankees.It is true what General Sherman said about resettling the South with Yankees after the war to really conquer it. And I think Justpipes is getting that colored up "Shine" from some old boys who are running it through a rusty radiator in the...
  20. Winslow

    Gin, the best bang for the buck?

    What about that "Shine" you all drink from those Mason Jars? Don't tell me it comes out of the still all colored up like that. :evil: Winslow :sunny: