
Brothers of Briar

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Charter member
Dec 10, 2007
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Brothah Handsome Dynamite inspired some interesting questions. With a ready supply of pipers available, I might as well satisfy my curiosity:
  1. Do you smoke corn cob pipes?
  2. How many do you own?
  3. How many of them do you smoke...and how often?
  4. What do you smoke in 'em?
  5. What do you like about them?
  6. What don't you like about them?
  7. Would you trust your elected "leaders" more if they smoked cobs?
  8. Why not?

    Extra Credit Question: What is the meaning of life? 8)
1. yes
2. 4
3. all, once a week or so
4. McC 5125, PS Lux Twist Flake
5. lightweight
6. cheap bits that I bite through
7. sure, why not
1. Yes
2. 3
3. I smoke 2/3 about once a month
4. Tobacco :twisted: Nah, whatever strikes my fancy really
5. I can smoke my tobacco in them
6. They do have a stigma, I don't like the cheap mouthpiece, but I'm too lazy to order a better one
7. Of course

Meaning of life? There isn't one. We're here and cursed to recognize that fact. So we better have fun, or else we'll be miserable.
they taste funny and they're hokey.
my fellow American don't have a good track. Record choosing leaders
Do you smoke corn cob pipes? Yes

How many do you own? 1

How many of them do you smoke...and how often? 1; a couple times a week

What do you smoke in 'em? Shortcut to Mushrooms

What do you like about them? Something very American about them

What don't you like about them? The stigma attached to them

Would you trust your elected "leaders" more if they smoked cobs? Absolutely.

Why not? N/a

  1. Do you smoke corn cob pipes? Yes
  2. How many do you own? 5 including an Ozark
  3. How many of them do you smoke...and how often? Only a couple right now b/c I keep picking up estates pipes
  4. What do you smoke in 'em? Flakes and new to me blends
  5. What do you like about them? Smokes itself
  6. What don't you like about them? Draft hole is a little too big ( I don't use filters anymore)
  7. Would you trust your elected "leaders" more if they smoked cobs? A politician is a politician
  8. Why not? See above :)
  1. Yep.
  2. 6.
  3. 4, at least one cob smoke a week. (2 are held back for later.)
  4. Lakelands and burlies.
  5. Cool and comfortable. Plus I can drop one if I'm working outside without serious stress.
  6. The stems are pretty lousy... I replaced most of 'em with Walker Briar Works retrofit stems.
  7. Not really.
  8. He might be a Douglas MacArthur; he might be a George Lincoln Rockwell.

XC. 42.
42 ????,,,, :scratch: ,,,

I've got 3 or 4 ,,I smoke whatever strikes me at the moment in them,,no muss, no fuss,,,,my rack of pipes will never impress anyone- the cob is more a state of mind,,,There's VERY few people I trust,,,,

42 ????,,,,,, :scratch:
1.Do you smoke corn cob pipes? No

2.How many do you own? 0

3.How many of them do you smoke...and how often? Never

4.What do you smoke in 'em? Nothing

5.What do you like about them? Don't dislike, but can't say I like

6.What don't you like about them? Need to try some

7.Would you trust your elected "leaders" more if they smoked cobs? No

8.Why not? If Hitler smoked a pipe, I wouldn't like him just because he did. Same goes for a politician

1. Yes I do and love it
2. Just one right now, fixing to order a General
3. 1, a couple of times a week
4. Burley
5. Easy to smoke, sweet flavor about it, very outdoorsey, and I don't have to babysit it
6. The black mouthpieces, amber ones seem to better though
7. Nope
8. Politicians care not about us, only their own hides

Meaning of life? I'm still trying to figure that one out for myself, aren't we all?
1. yes
2. 3
3. One for burley in the summer, another one or two for friends to borrow or to try new blends in
4. burley, Kendal flake
5. cheap, the cob aura/stigma--hillbilly americanness
6. the cob aura/stigma (depends on my mood;) )
7. I don't care if or what they smoke, so long as they uphold my freedom
8. It makes no substantial difference in their policy (I guess they might be less inclined to tax pipeweed, but otherwise it's not a big deal)
I guess I can add my blather in response to my own post. I especially like some of the answers to questions 7 and 8.
  1. Do you smoke corn cob pipes? - Yup
  2. How many do you own? - Four
  3. How many of them do you smoke...and how often? – All of them, in spurts. It depends on when I want to smoke the 'baccys to which they're dedicated.
  4. What do you smoke in 'em? – One for natural Virginias, one for non-aro Burleys, a third dedicated to Peterson's Sherlock Holmes, and the fourth is dedicated to an occasional rare treat—the contents of a 1970's vintage tin of the old-time drugstore blend Holiday (when the old Burleyweed blends were what they used to be).
  5. What do you like about them? They're the greatest pipe bargain in this sector of the galaxy (as far as I know), and they never fail to give great smokes.
  6. What don't you like about them? There's nothing I don't like about them, now that I've opened the airways on the ones that had a stingy draw. The one dedicated to Sherlock Holmes is one of those filter jobs, but without the filter it has a big, fat, easy draw.
  7. Would you trust your elected "leaders" more if they smoked cobs? Absolutely not.
  8. Why not? – For all the same reasons (and more) that various brethren already have so rightly observed...
    puros_bran":4twe56eo said:
    7. no
    8. my fellow American don't have a good track. Record choosing leaders
    Smokntaz":4twe56eo said:
    7. Would you trust your elected "leaders" more if they smoked cobs? A politician is a politician
    8. Why not? See above :)
Doc Manhattan":4twe56eo said:
7. Not really.
8. He might be a Douglas MacArthur; he might be a George Lincoln Rockwell.[/list]
DoverPipes":4twe56eo said:
7.Would you trust your elected "leaders" more if they smoked cobs? No
8.Why not? If Hitler smoked a pipe, I wouldn't like him just because he did. Same goes for a politician
itsKot":4twe56eo said:
7. Nope
8. Politicians care not about us, only their own hides
For my part, I have a big enough challenge governing my own life. I can't say I always make the right choices, but when I screw up, I'm the one who has to live with the consequences. I'm not arrogant enough to presume that I'm capable of making other people's choices for them, much less doing it at gunpoint, jailpoint, or other coercive-point. But when those political bastidges screw up, they get a pass, and we pay.

If I were a naïve dreamer, I'm sure it would be comforting to delude myself into believing that the fact that a man smokes a pipe is somehow an indication that he has integrity and moral character. But I know better. I've known some pipers who were (and still are) real buttheads. And as far as pipe-smoking political "leaders" go, some of them peg the ****** meter.

Want evidence? Here you go:


They called him "Uncle Joe" though that obviated the fact that he was a mass murderer. Uncle Joe my ass. No amount of pipe smoking can mitigate his crimes in the lives he destroyed.

"Ah, Vito," you might argue, "...but not all pipe-smoking politicos are ruthless murderers." OK...fine. But the differences between Stalin and his less coercive counterparts are differences in degree, not differences in principle. They all enforce their arbitrary edicts with coercion, or with the threat of coercion. Whether they're forcing you to cough up your hard-earned money or your very life, they still control your life and your property, and there's nothing you can do about it.


And finally:
  • Extra Credit Question: What is the meaning of life?
Brothah itsKot":4twe56eo said:
Meaning of life? I'm still trying to figure that one out for myself, aren't we all?
No, not all of us, bro'. As far as I can tell, the meaning of life is purpose. It's the only answer that is independent of time, place, circumstances, or differences in subjective valuations of what we each consider to be "important". It covers everyone, good or bad, wise or foolhardy. For you, your purpose—whatever it may be, whenever you might be able to do what it takes to serve it—is what life means to you, right then, right there.

I'm OK with that. It places the responsibility for the meaning of my life squarely where it belongs—namely, on me.

[*]Do you smoke corn cob pipes? Occasionally
[*]How many do you own? 2
[*]How many of them do you smoke...and how often? One more than the other, depends on the tobacco/situation
[*]What do you smoke in 'em? Burley blends usually, some VA
[*]What do you like about them? Certain blends shine in them for me. Plus they are nice "knockarounds" and provide a change of pace.
[*]What don't you like about them? They look and feel cheap.
[*]Would you trust your elected "leaders" more if they smoked cobs? Is this a trick question? Of course I would never trust them.
[*]Why not? Because they are politicians.

Extra Credit Question: What is the meaning of life? Silly question. :)
1. Yes

2. Seven: Five MM diplomats, one natural and The General.

3. All of them.

4. Some blends smoke best when smoked in a cob. These includes many burley-based blends and some aros. Also, less fuss when I need to relax and not have to mind the technique so much.

5. See number 4.

6. Will not provide the sweetness and nuance-filled complexity of the best briars, particularly when it comes to VaPers and straight Virginias. But what the heck...

7. No

8. Timeo Danaos Et Dona Ferentes. An outward sign, however ingratiating it might be, does not rule out someone being a lying thief or a tyrant. Smoking a bent pipe prompted the U.S. press to refer to Stalin as Uncle Joe when they were trying to sell the alliance to the American people, but he was still a vicious democide of the highest order. A corncob wouldn't have helped him.

Extra: Life has no meaning in itself. The Universe is not even aware that we exist. All meaning in our lives is instilled there by ourselves, and we're the only ones who can do that. Not that there's anything wrong with believing in an old bearded guy in the sky who loves us.
babysinister":61v21232 said:
The Universe is not even aware that we exist.
But we are the part of the universe that is aware of our own and the universe's existence. :)
Jack Straw":srz47z88 said:
...we are the part of the universe that is aware of our own and the universe's existence. :)

And the fact (or presumption, for those who do not consider it a fact) that the universe itself would give rise to such a phenomenon is, to my mind, an almost unfathomable enigma.

Never have smoked a cob. Funny reason --- I can't like a pipe that doesn't have the potential of becoming a life long friend. (Ditto for cherry, olive, and the other alternatives... they always end up burning out eventually.)

That's why I only get cybernetic dogs and cats, too, of course. (Hey, there's no law that says you have to be rational.)

LL":uujonm49 said:
... (Hey, there's no law that says you have to be rational.)
Only an irrational person would insist otherwise.

Not to contradict your own observations, LL, but I have never burned out a cob...or a cherrywood pipe. Consequently, I still have the very first specimens of each I ever owned, purchased sometime in the '60s. They are still good smokers.

I have no explanation for my good fortune, except that I have tended to smoke each of my pipes less often as I've acquired more pipes over the years. So, it's a larger "rotation"...not that there is any organization to it. I smoke whatever I want, whenever I want.

Even so, with many from which to choose, each gets smoked less frequently, on average. I suppose that reduces the risk of burnout somewhat, but I don't think that explains it. There have been times when I've smoked the cobs and cherrywoods often—especially those oldest ones.

Perhaps the reason so many burn out is because they're perceived as "cheap" pipes, and smokers don't treat them with the same care as their more expensive briars. I dunno...I'm just speculating. Nevertheless, if carelessness is the reason why they burn out, it's ironic that you've never smoked them. If there is a smoker more careful than you on planet Oith, I don't know who it is.


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