I guess I can add my blather in response to my own post. I especially like some of the answers to questions 7 and 8.
- Do you smoke corn cob pipes? - Yup
- How many do you own? - Four
- How many of them do you smoke...and how often? – All of them, in spurts. It depends on when I want to smoke the 'baccys to which they're dedicated.
- What do you smoke in 'em? – One for natural Virginias, one for non-aro Burleys, a third dedicated to Peterson's Sherlock Holmes, and the fourth is dedicated to an occasional rare treat—the contents of a 1970's vintage tin of the old-time drugstore blend Holiday (when the old Burleyweed blends were what they used to be).
- What do you like about them? They're the greatest pipe bargain in this sector of the galaxy (as far as I know), and they never fail to give great smokes.
- What don't you like about them? There's nothing I don't like about them, now that I've opened the airways on the ones that had a stingy draw. The one dedicated to Sherlock Holmes is one of those filter jobs, but without the filter it has a big, fat, easy draw.
- Would you trust your elected "leaders" more if they smoked cobs? Absolutely not.
- Why not? – For all the same reasons (and more) that various brethren already have so rightly observed...
puros_bran":4twe56eo said:
7. no
8. my fellow American don't have a good track. Record choosing leaders
Smokntaz":4twe56eo said:
7. Would you trust your elected "leaders" more if they smoked cobs?
A politician is a politician
8. Why not?
See above
Doc Manhattan":4twe56eo said:
7. Not really.
8. He might be a Douglas MacArthur; he might be a George Lincoln Rockwell.[/list]
DoverPipes":4twe56eo said:
7.Would you trust your elected "leaders" more if they smoked cobs? No
8.Why not? If Hitler smoked a pipe, I wouldn't like him just because he did. Same goes for a politician
itsKot":4twe56eo said:
7. Nope
8. Politicians care not about us, only their own hides
For my part, I have a big enough challenge governing my own life. I can't say I always make the right choices, but when I screw up,
I'm the one who has to live with the consequences. I'm not arrogant enough to presume that I'm capable of making other people's choices for them, much less doing it at gunpoint, jailpoint, or other coercive-point. But when those political bastidges screw up, they get a pass, and
we pay.
If I were a naïve dreamer, I'm sure it would be comforting to delude myself into believing that the fact that a man smokes a pipe is somehow an indication that he has integrity and moral character. But I know better. I've known some pipers who were (
and still are) real buttheads. And as far as pipe-smoking political "leaders" go, some of them peg the ****** meter.
Want evidence? Here you go:
They called him "Uncle Joe"...as though that obviated the fact that he was a mass murderer. Uncle Joe my ass. No amount of pipe smoking can mitigate his crimes in the lives he destroyed.
Ah, Vito," you might argue, "
...but not all pipe-smoking politicos are ruthless murderers." OK...fine. But the differences between Stalin and his less coercive counterparts are differences in degree, not differences in principle. They all enforce their arbitrary edicts with coercion, or with the threat of coercion. Whether they're forcing you to cough up your hard-earned money or your very life, they still control your life and your property, and there's nothing you can do about it.
And finally:
- Extra Credit Question: What is the meaning of life?
Brothah itsKot":4twe56eo said:
Meaning of life? I'm still trying to figure that one out for myself, aren't we all?
No, not all of us, bro'. As far as I can tell, the meaning of life is
purpose. It's the only answer that is independent of time, place, circumstances, or differences in subjective valuations of what we each consider to be "important". It covers everyone, good or bad, wise or foolhardy. For you, your purpose—whatever it may be, whenever you might be able to do what it takes to serve it—is what life means to
you, right then, right there.
I'm OK with that. It places the responsibility for the meaning of my life squarely where it belongs—namely, on me.