Sorry to hear that; here in Winston, we seem to have missed the ice so far as I can see, and we currently have about 2-3 inches with it still coming down.Lonecoyote":v0lgdk09 said:Not so good here in NC today. Instead of snow we received an ice storm from Mother Nature!! High of 29 degrees here today and I keep losing Internet :monkey::monkey::monkey:
The grandkids were saying it's pretty rough in Longview and Portland. I never was a fan of freezing rain.... Hope you fare well until the thaw Rande!Brewdude":11n274bp said:Bad day today for me. Too much to go into, but suffice to say that we had a significant windstorm in the Cascade foothills.
The good news is that my house didn't suffer any damage. Never mind about the debris from the falling branches which now litter my property, those can be cleaned up.
Beyond that I won't go into just now. Suffice to say I will be away from the boards for a while. And no there is no drama in this response. Just reality.