The problem is, pipe tobacco and cigarette tobacco are very closely related on a market sense. Our leaf comes from the same leaf as the deathstick peddlers, but our stuff doesn't get sprayed, doused and sprinkled with all the magic components Big Tobacco won't talk about. Pipe tobacco is purchased, as I understand it, as the surplus or stuff all the big ciggy guys don't use. If it weren't for cigarettes, we'd likely be smoking our own home-grown leaf in our pipes anyway. Or expensive cigar-type leaf from South America. It's a sad but real truth, shackled to the beast that's causing the problem. So, you either support Big Tobacco, or no tobacco. Damn shame, if you ask me.
Seriously...start practicing your cultivation/drying/maturing skills now. By the time your cellar runs out or goes bad, you might be able to keep going at a reasonable price. :lol: