Chiming in after a bit of forum hiatus.....
The M. Tinskey idea is solid...great bit of group thinking, guys. He's also one of the carvers from whom I had wished to purchase.
I would hope for something more "BoB Special" than a stamp, myself. The idea of guys ordering down the road is great and helps make our fun more accessible and, therefor, better.
That still leaves a number of things that can be done to make the pipes unique...I hope they all are affordable and that they are all offered for us to select. If not individually, collectively...for that it what this is commemorating anyway...our collectivity. Oh, wait...we're trying to individually celebrate our collectivity...or, are we collectively celebrating our individuality...wait, wait....we're individually commemorating our collectivity by collectively celebrating our individuality from the collective pipe smoking, no..that's n o t r i g h t ..........
...yeah, I'm probably in...watchin' and waitin'...