MB Black Ambrosia in an AKB Sultan meerschaum.

It was a bunch of lifetime's ago and I was an aromatic smoker at the time. Before I took GLP Lat blends seriously I was enjoying F&T Waterloo #2, a Black Cav, Virginia and Latakia blend. I decided to make my own Virginia Latakia blend and bought C&D bulk Latakia and some of their Virginia. I didn't care for the Virginia offerings so I tried GH DVC and 80% DVC, 20% Latakia is a nice blend. You can raise the Lat alot higher to make your own Latakia cocktail!By any chance do you remember the name of the lat bomb?
"won" two tins? Is there a tobacco lottery somewhere??Smoking a Brebbia bent brandy with w o Larsen 1864 that the mailman just delivered, Sadly, I only won 2 tins of this tobacco. this is my favorite aromatic,So I tend to burn it up quickly.