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Brothers of Briar

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MB Black Ambrosia in an AKB Sultan meerschaum.
Now smoking year 2012 Esoterica Dunbar in a smooth straight, dark brown early 1960s Lane era Charatan Selected 43 Dublin with a black vulcanite double comfort saddle stem. This pipe was formerly owned by actor William Conrad.
Conrad-Dublin copy.jpg
By any chance do you remember the name of the lat bomb?
It was a bunch of lifetime's ago and I was an aromatic smoker at the time. Before I took GLP Lat blends seriously I was enjoying F&T Waterloo #2, a Black Cav, Virginia and Latakia blend. I decided to make my own Virginia Latakia blend and bought C&D bulk Latakia and some of their Virginia. I didn't care for the Virginia offerings so I tried GH DVC and 80% DVC, 20% Latakia is a nice blend. You can raise the Lat alot higher to make your own Latakia cocktail!
Smoking a seldom used Molina bent billiard with MB 7 seas Royal blend and a bottle of Poland spring water. I`m trying to weasel out of making dinner tonight because I am tired. So far it`s not going over well. LOL!
Passing the half way mark on this bowl of Pfeifen Huber Virginia Golden Flake in a 1938 smooth straight brown patent Dunhill R 115 bowling ball apple with a tapered cumberland stem. Getting ready to clean a few pipes.
Last of the Charring Cross in a Randy Wiley freehand bent dublin with green acrylic stem. Gin and tonic on the side. Think I will go with Kensington on next order. A/C guy came and went. Found the problem, couldn't fix it. 0 freon, major leak in the line from the outside unit to the evaporator inside the air handler. Takes a 2 man team and half a day.to replace. Oh joy. Not sure when they can get back to fix it. Wife not a happy camper. Which means I'm not a happy camper. Lol.