Virginia Burley Blendbase in a Peterson Kildare.

The French Press needs a coarser grind than drip. I'd start at medium and adjust from there. If it's too fine you won't be able to push down the screen and if you do some grounds might end up in your cup.French press
I remember back when I was looking for the right drip coffee maker that water temp of at least 180 F or above was a mark of a good machine. I ended up buying a Philips model that made this temp, so bought several off ebay, Goodwill stores or wherever. They were made in the Netherlands and had like a 1200 watt rating on the heater. I like a Chenex and think mine brings out the nutty flavors in coffee.Charley,
We have a Braun SCA certified coffee maker that brews 5oz. up to a 50oz pot in increments. The Specialty Coffee Association tests coffee makers to their Gold Standard which means they wet the grounds and pause so the coffee can expand then deliver water at the proper temperature. You can achieve that with a pour over setup or a Chemex. French Presses also make an excellent cup of coffee similar to the cowboy brewing method.