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Brothers of Briar

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Well, it's been a crazily busy few days, hence I haven't posted much recently.
We've celebrated our daughter's 18th birthday, I've redecorated the study and fitted a new security gate in the garden.The heating engineer is coming to service the boiler later so, after dropping my good lady off after work, I thought I'd sneak in a bowl of EMP in the Bartoli freehand with a pot of coffee and Classic FM on the radio in the garden. Bliss!
Enjoyed a tasty red delicious apple, and my last smoke of the day is undated McCranies Red Flake in a straight smooth brown post-WWII Derby Natural Grain billiard (Sasieni) with a tapered black vulcanite stem. Time to do a final check on the ferals.
Hello gang,
As the old saying goes if it wasn`t for bad luck....
I went outside to roll up the windows in my car last night as ,As i I knew it was going to rain,I was walking close to a large bush and about 20 angry Bee`s came out after me.As i was running 1 of them landed on my hand and got me. Now for most people this is not a big deal.But sadly I am highly allergic to them.The last time it happened to me the ER Dr.Told me that in 24 hours that sting is fatal to me. I took some anti -allergy meds as my hand blew up like a softball. I spent most of the night in the ER last night!
I am happy to be home again as I hate hospitals. Smoking a Bari special freehand with PS B &B #23,Pellegrino mineral water. Still impatiently waiting for the results of Friday`s MRI of my back,I guess no news is good news?
So sorry, EZ. Would having an EpiPen handy keep you out of the ER?

Alternatively, you could post a "No Bee Zone" sign in your yard. Such logic seems to be applied in other areas of danger...
So sorry, EZ. Would having an EpiPen handy keep you out of the ER?

Alternatively, you could post a "No Bee Zone" sign in your yard. Such logic seems to be applied in other areas of danger...
I stand in awe of the collected wisdom to be found here.
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Good morning BoB!
Smoke is finally starting to clear from the sky here in central OR and the color blue is once again visible when you elevate your head.
I enjoyed some match flying dutchman in my beater cob this morning before work. It was smoother than I guessed it would be, a pleasant smoke.
Yeah the match doesn't burn the tongue like the original stuff, but how nice it would be to have the original come back into production. It would be great with a 6mm charcoal filter or a 9mm.
So sorry, EZ. Would having an EpiPen handy keep you out of the ER?

Alternatively, you could post a "No Bee Zone" sign in your yard. Such logic seems to be applied in other areas of danger...
Another alternative. We have 2 large euonomous bushes by our front patio entrance gate which draws bees. I spray them with Spectracide Home Defense from Home Depot. Helps a lot in keeping the bees off.
Good morning BoBs. Cheating, Again, with Urban Cowboy in a Pete system B42 smooth bent apple and morning coffee. Was encouraged by the ENT Doc who said the tumor was more likely a result of the HPV virus than from smoking. So, will be cutting back but likely won't quit altogether. Ranger breakfast at 8 so will call it done after this bowl. Have a great day everyone.
Starting off my smoking day with a bowl of pre-2014 Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 2014 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend squashed tomato with an aluminum band and a black pearl acrylic stem in the military mount style. Watching the Yankees-Phillies game until the Braves-Brewers game starts. Ice water and bergs is my drink.
Basil_squashed_ tomato copy.jpg
We got the thunder storm as predicted and now that the lightning has stopped we're back in the gazebo with the fan on. I'm enjoying Drucquer Casbah in an MM Legend Rob Roy along with a recently refreshed cup of coffee.
Smoking a pipe after a thunderstorm in a gazebo with a fan and a drink, the air permiated with the smell of fresh rain sounds like some of the most pleasant sitting down you could ever do. Hope you have some pretty scenery to complete the picture.

Edit: The Andy Griffith Show is some feel good TV. Great show.
Enjoyed a tasty lunch, and am a third of the way through this bowl of year 2020 Watch City Rouxgaroux in a smooth medium bend 2021 Peterson POTY Natural 4AB No. 6/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. Gold Star Peruvian Macchu Picchu, neat, is my drink. Excellent coffee. Watching the Braves-Brewers game.