Iwan Ries Three Star Blue, Medico saddle stem pot
Don't beat yourself up for "cheating". You are making a significant effort to cut back, just keep raising the bar until you're comfortable. I am not an enabler, I am a realist. My father passed over ten years ago, cancer of the kidneys. He cut back his smoking dramatically and I am certain it did him good. He fought through it for two years. I back you 100% on any effort you are making to coordinate with your treatment.Good morning BoBs. Kind of cheating on my promise of only smoking one day a week, but only had one bowl yesterday. So I may revise the rule to only smoking on weekends, lol. Going Brit with Zippos gifted Condor in a a Sasieni 4 dot bent pot. Coffee instead of tea however. Have a great day everyone.
A dental surgeon had a video on YouTube about this. He and his friend who is a dentist both said that pipe smoking and cigar smoking does not cause mouth, throat, tongue or gum cancer. He said there is zero evidence despite what the government says. He said they are full of crap. He said that HPV is what causes mouth cancer. He said that the reason cigarettes cause lung cancer is because of the chemicals and tar that is breathed into the lungs and it sits in there for years and when the lungs try to heal itself it causes cell mutation thus turning into cancerous tumors. He said in the 30 years of dentistry and the thousands of mouths he examined only 4 people had mouth cancer. One was a cigarette smoker and the other three weren't, but he believes all 4 had HPV.Good morning BoBs. Cheating, Again, with Urban Cowboy in a Pete system B42 smooth bent apple and morning coffee. Was encouraged by the ENT Doc who said the tumor was more likely a result of the HPV virus than from smoking. So, will be cutting back but likely won't quit altogether. Ranger breakfast at 8 so will call it done after this bowl. Have a great day everyone.
Por que?Warped Saint Espresso(May 2023) in a cob. Yuk.