I had the same problem with the heat/cool pack in our patio room. It died last week. As usual, they had to order parts for it, but the parts came in yesterday. It got fixed this morning and ic cooling very well. It won't be 106 F here in SC tomorrow, but the heat index will be close to 110F. Normal humidity here in summer is usually above 45to 55%. Enjoy the AC; life here in summer would be almost unbearable.
Close to finishing this bowl of early 2000s Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 2014 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend squashed tomato with an aluminum band and a black pearl acrylic stem in the military mount style.
Tennessee Turkish Muse in a Peterson Kenmare. The Tennessee shreds in the pasta machine, while latakia doesn't, so it blends better with other tobaccos, and I like the taste.
We got the rain and humidity but the heat has been ok. We don't have ac but the temp at night has been in the lower 70's and we have a couple of ceiling fans and box fans that cool down the house. Round two is GLP Kensington in a Rob Roy. This pipe might be ready for the circular file, I'll give it a good cleaning and long rest, if that doesn't work it's time to part ways.
Did a set of walking reps under sunny/cloudy humid skies, and smoked a bowl of year 2016 D&R Three Sails in an undated straight brush etched black Molina apple with a nickel band and a tapered black vulcanite stem. It's time for lunch.
Enjoyed a tasty lunch, and am nearing the half way mark on this bowl of New Watch City Beta Test #3 in an undated, unbranded straight lattice meerschaum military mount with a silver cap and tapered yellow acrylic stem.
Not far from finishing this bowl of New Watch City Beta Test #3 in a full bend black pebble finish 2001 Rinaldo Lithos YY8 Titania Silver Line egg with a tapered black acrylic stem. Ice water and bergs is my drink.
Did a second set of walking reps under more gloomy, more humid skies, and smoked a bowl of new Watch City Beta Test #1 in a smooth unfinished brown slight bend 2015 Savinelli 320KS author with a tapered black vulcanite stem. Saw Abner the Eager following Tomato the Brave around, and took some photos. I'll post a couple later.
Passing the quarter mark on this bowl of New Watch City Beta Test #3 in a 1980s SMS eagle claw egg medium bend meerschaum signed by Ismail Baglan with a brown and cream swirl acrylic stem.
Enjoyed a light snack, and am nearing the half way mark on this bowl of year 2021 unreleased Sutliff Black Virginia Flake in a late 80's, early 90s James Upshall P DS Tilshead England Made By Hand L185 Canadian with a silver band and a tapered black vulcanite stem. Watching the Braves-White Sox game.