Jim, I couldn't help noticing that the art work for Jim's Special Flake features a critter who is an artist. Would this be a tip of the hat to our very own JimInks? I think that would be very cool!Relaxing after a wonderful salad, orange roughy and mashed potatoes dinner with a bowl of French vanilla ice cream for dessert. I was happily surprised that I didn't gain much weight from yesterday's food massacre'.Anyway, I'm half way through this bowl of Ken Byron Ventures Jim’s Special Flake 2023 in a 1984 black rusticated full bend Peterson Mark Twain military mount egg with a silver cap and tapered black vulcanite p-lip stem. Ice water and bergs is my drink. Watching the Braves-Nats game.
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I have to admit it's true. I asked KBV to resurrect Brown Flek and Bright Flek because I wanted to dedicate two of the three Peterson Mark Twains that a friend gifted me to those blends. It took a little time to process them. He made a small tweak to Bright Flek, and as a tribute, renamed the blend Jim's Special Flake, and had a new label made for it. Since I have a Masters in Fine Arts as well as having a long comic book career, he put an easel and a hedgehog on the label to signal that it was "me". I was a Sonic the Hedgehog comic book artist for twenty-one years. What he did not know was that the only kind of sweaters that I wear are button ups. Seeing that was really cool. He also gave me a substantial amount of both blends, so I'm set for quite a while. Just a great act of kindness and respect.Jim, I couldn't help noticing that the art work for Jim's Special Flake features a critter who is an artist. Would this be a tip of the hat to our very own JimInks? I think that would be very cool!
Thanks my friend. We owe so much to the greatest generation that gave so much to give us the freedom we have today.Dinner is going to be a little later than anticipated. So on this momentous day, I'll grab a bowl of Choctaw in my Grandfather's Edwardian Henry Tounge Bulldog and give thanks to those who gave so much.
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I enjoy much of the art work of the KBV tobaccos, although the only one I’ve purchased is Burley Morning Pipe (and I like that label). The JSF label is very well done (at least to my non-expert eye). But my favorite is the Stampede Kek label. I like it so much that I’ve given serious thought to buying some SK just because of the label. The whimsy of a frog depicted as a Native American chief being chased by herd of buffalo brings a smile to my face. I like how the buffaloes are blurred in order to give a short-lens effect to create a sense of depth (the JSF label uses the same technique). But I think I have as much to inform you about illustration as I do about tobacco.I have to admit it's true. I asked KBV to resurrect Brown Flek and Bright Flek because I wanted to dedicate two of the three Peterson Mark Twains that a friend gifted me to those blends. It took a little time to process them. He made a small tweak to Bright Flek, and as a tribute, renamed the blend Jim's Special Flake, and had a new label made for it. Since I have a Masters in Fine Arts as well as having a long comic book career, he put an easel and a hedgehog on the label to signal that it was "me". I was a Sonic the Hedgehog comic book artist for twenty-one years. What he did not know was that the only kind of sweaters that I wear are button ups. Seeing that was really cool. He also gave me a substantial amount of both blends, so I'm set for quite a while. Just a great act of kindness and respect.