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Good evening my fellow BoBs.
I don't know if it's just me but, I'm having problems with the BoB app on my phone today, A lot of times it wasn't working, and when it did, I tried to post a few times, and it just wasn't having it.
Anyway, I've just loaded some Erinmore in a Falcon, fitted with a 2" tall chimney. Which should take me up to dinner time (or there abouts).
Have a great day my friends 😊 View attachment 19360
I've never been a Falcon fan, and in fact I sold the two I inherited from my father. But I gotta say, that one is way cool!
Part way through this bowl of Peretti Ampersand Flake in a 1986 three quarter bend Bacchus face CAO meer with a tapered dark tortoise shell colored acrylic stem. Working on a review of this blend.
View attachment 19367
Jim, that is as nicely colored as any meerschaum I've ever seen. I wish mine looked like that!
Earlier I walked Jacksie while smoking MB Mixture: Scottish in the BBB 204 "Dog-Lunter." Then I headed out for a men's breakfast at church. Now I'm back to enjoy my "ritual": KBV Burley Morning Pipe in a Jansen's N.O. bent volcano with saddle stem, a cup of Colombian coffee, and a book.
Good morning gentleman. It's Sutliff Molto Dolce in a Sav Hercules 606EX with morning coffee. On the front patio which is 15 degrees cooler than the back. Watched All Creatures Great and Small last night which put me in a pensive mood. It was a segment about the beginning of WW II. That and seeing the news reports on the D Day celebration in France got me thinking about how our social perspective on military service has changed. Between the Legion and the VA I have a lot of contact with veterans and most are proud of their service but the US military today is very much different than past generations. I guess my worry is that if we did get into another war would we have the determination to win it? Sorry for the ramble. Probably the result of too many Honor Guard events watching veterans laid to rest. Anyway, have a great day my friends.
I share your doubts. I would still step up if the need arose, I'm 54. I can't say with any confidence that my nephews would. As much as has been said about a "remote control" war being the next major conflict, the recent developments in Ukraine have proven that is not at all likely. Men will be needed, will they be there?
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I just loaded a Pride with KBV Old Chicago and made a fresh cup of coffee. This is another sample that Jim sent home with the kittens! I used to smoke PS Virginia Flake which is also a VaPer that regularly gave me niccups so I went to straight Virginias, Jim might have disproved my theory!
I share your doubts. I would still step up if the need arose, I'm 54. I can't say with any confidence that my nephews would. As much as has been said about a "remote control" war being the next major conflict, the recent developments in Ukraine have proven that is not at all likely. Men will be needed, will they be there?
Got 22 years on you but yes I would still stand beside you to defend our country as long as I am able. But like you I am skeptical about the younger generations resolve to step up if necessary.
I just loaded a Pride with KBV Old Chicago and made a fresh cup of coffee. This is another sample that Jim sent home with the kittens! I used to smoke PS Virginia Flake which is also a VaPer that regularly gave me niccups so I went to straight Virginias, Jim might have disproved my theory!
Wow, not only did you get a couple of cute kitties, sounds like you scored on the tobacco front as well, lol.
Howdy fellas. TB checking in with righteous bowl of Three Friars working in a half bent rusticated apple. It's a Rinaldo Skipper - a compact but fairly large bowled piece. Is it just me or do the Rinaldo boys make one of the best acrylic stems in the game. Very thin, very comfortable, with an extremely unique shape and design cue. That's my opinion anyway, for whatever that's worth. Got a side car of locally roasted bean juice working. (-neat- lol) Another cool and overcast day up here. Perfect morning to lay low, listen to some groovy tunes on the tube amp, and smoke pipe. Right now Sade's Smooth Operator is reminding me how not smooth my own game is. So yeah, that's pretty much the score. Hope all you fellow pipers are having a wonderful, carefree Saturday as well.... Carry on.
Wow, not only did you get a couple of cute kitties, sounds like you scored on the tobacco front as well, lol.
We had a great visit! I got to see many of the pipes that Jim posts and he sent home Ken Byron and Watch City samples along with Sutliff Latakia that I'll blend with straight Virginias this fall. I'm curious about the difference or sameness of Sutliff's and C&D's Latakia in a blend. Sounds like a great fall project! Jim and his wife were great to spend time with and very generous!
Passing the quarter mark of this bowl of pre-2014 Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 2014 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend squashed tomato with an aluminum band and a black pearl acrylic stem in the military mount style.
Basil_squashed_ tomato copy.jpg
We had a great visit! I got to see many of the pipes that Jim posts and he sent home Ken Byron and Watch City samples along with Sutliff Latakia that I'll blend with straight Virginias this fall. I'm curious about the difference or sameness of Sutliff's and C&D's Latakia in a blend. Sounds like a great fall project! Jim and his wife were great to spend time with and very generous!
It was a great visit. Lots of wonderful conservation and pipe smoking! There aren't many people these days who care enough about little animals to drive over fifteen hours to rescue them. It was an act of great humanitarianism from open hearts that we won't ever forget.
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Passing the quarter mark of this bowl of year 2012 Esoterica Dunbar in a smooth straight, dark brown early 1960s Lane era Charatan Selected 43 Dublin with a black vulcanite double comfort saddle stem. This pipe was formerly owned by actor William Conrad. Watching the Mets-Phillies game that is being played in London.
Conrad-Dublin copy.jpg
I share your doubts. I would still step up if the need arose, I'm 54. I can't say with any confidence that my nephews would. As much as has been said about a "remote control" war being the next major conflict, the recent developments in Ukraine have proven that is not at all likely. Men will be needed, will they be there?

I'm 79 and served in Military Intelligence in the years 68-72. I never heard a shot fired in anger or saw combat, but I'm happy that I got to serve in an
"important" job and capacity. I, too, wonder how we could fight a major war without going back to the draft. That worries me, too.



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