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Brothers of Briar

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Relaxing after a wonderful salad, chicken legs and snow peas dinner with strawberries for dessert. I've passed the first third of this bowl of year 2014 Full Virginia Flake in a straight 1968 Dunhill Shell bulldog with a black vulcanite saddle stem. Community Coffee, neat, is my drink. Trying to type this post with Tomato the Brave half by my side, and half on my waist.
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Here's the Sonic the Hedgehog and Tommy Two Tails commission I was working on. The woman who commissioned the piece is going to ask her beau to marry her, and so Sonic is holding a big ring for extra inducement. :) Tails is the fella's other favorite Sonic character. Hope her man says "Yes."
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So cool.
Half way through this bowl of year 2013 Capstan Blue Flake in a straight 1924 Dunhill’s “Shell Briar” patent pot 7 with a tapered black vulcanite stem. Ice water and bergs is my drink.
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Now smoking year 2012 Esoterica Dunbar in a smooth straight, dark brown early 1960s Lane era Charatan Selected 43 Dublin with a black vulcanite double comfort saddle stem. This pipe was formerly owned by actor William Conrad. Tomato the Brave has spent the last hour and a half by my side demanding attention and snoozin' by turns. Abner the Eager has been on m'lady's lap for quite a while. Daisy the Feral Princess is still snoozin' by my feet. When I went to get the mail, Harry the Hairy ran to me from the back yard, and then followed me to the mail box. Right before I got there, Harry jumped in front of me, and laid on the ground with his belly in the air. I gave him some attention, and Harry proceeded to follow me to the back door. I let him in eat, and he's been snoozin' since then.
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Shipment from SP today: 4 oz. each of C&D Constellation, Star of the East Gold, Epiphany, and Bayou Night. Had a bowl of Old Professor after lunch, vaccumed, did laundry and dishes, cut a drainage channel through the ice to empty my back yard and I'm heading for a snooze. Clean some pipes when I get up again.


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I have not had a great day, woke up to back pain, Dragged myself to work, Then I had my boss up my ass all morning, I tried to be as cooperative as possible,But I finally blew up and told him to leave me alone or I am walking out. He got the message and left. I came home and went to bed.
I `m smoking an Ondenkott bent apple, PS b&b 23, Mc cafe k-cup. I am going to make a beef stew for dinner and go back to bed...
Smoking a Pete SH Hudson,Lane LL-7,Bottle of Pelegrino mineral water. My wife enjoyed the beef stew,I ate very little. To me it was ok,nothing wonderful. Time to take some more pain meds for my back and hobble back to bed !
I am off for 2 days and I was able to get an appt. with pain mgmt tomorrow morning!
Enjoyed a too short snooze with Sleepy Suzy on my lap, but I'm awake and smoking year 2015 Mac Baren Virginia #1 in a straight smooth brown pre-1920s W.D.C. Bakelite bulldog with an electro silver band and tapered black vulcanite stem with an orific bit.
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I have passed the half way mark of this bowl of year 2018 Sutliff Walnut Match in a 1990s smooth brown medium bend briar calabash shaped Butz-Choquin Maitre Pipier JR Fait Main with a horn ferrule and a black vulcanite stem. Tomato the Brave came back, ate, and snoozed on my lap through most of the last smoke, and only left me a moment ago to eat more dry food. Daisy the Feral Princess stared at him for a while, and went back to snoozin'. Now, she's following m'lady around the house.
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Enjoyed a tasty golden delicious apple, and have passed the quarter mark of this bowl of year 2018 D&R Windsail in an 1890s-early 1900s dark brown smooth straight JD (Joseph B. Desjardins) billiard with filigree metal work with an amberish saddle stem and orific bit. Sleepy Suzy is by my side. I'll end the day with this smoke and a book.
J.D. (Joseph B. Desjardins)_Fillagree-billiard1.jpg

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