What's your pocketknife?

Brothers of Briar

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The handiest of the three is the box cutter...
The butterfly knife and the CKRT were given to me by my dad, who is a true knife afficionado.

I like that butterfly knife. I have never owned a nice one that didn't come from some shady dude at a flea market.
Kyle Weiss":erqdwv78 said:
I like that butterfly knife. I have never owned a nice one that didn't come from some shady dude at a flea market.
I have had a couple of those as well!
Good for practicing tricks, because I didn't mind too much if they went flying out of my hands.
Just had to make sure to move my feet if I dropped one while in action... :)
Harlock999":xohe7aen said:
Kyle Weiss":xohe7aen said:
I like that butterfly knife. I have never owned a nice one that didn't come from some shady dude at a flea market.
I have had a couple of those as well!
Good for practicing tricks, because I didn't mind too much if they went flying out of my hands.
Just had to make sure to move my feet if I dropped one while in action... :)
Good for the reflexes, sir. 8)
Kyle Weiss":eehbtlzs said:
Harlock999":eehbtlzs said:
Kyle Weiss":eehbtlzs said:
I like that butterfly knife. I have never owned a nice one that didn't come from some shady dude at a flea market.
I have had a couple of those as well!
Good for practicing tricks, because I didn't mind too much if they went flying out of my hands.
Just had to make sure to move my feet if I dropped one while in action... :)
Good for the reflexes, sir. 8)
But not too good for the floor... :roll:
Harlock999":hkj035ac said:
But not too good for the floor... :roll:
Rented floor = rented carpet & padding...butterfly knife expert ahoy! :lol:
That's one fine Benchmade balisong sire, I'm jealous. /Still waiting for the safe trainer balisong to arrive by mail./
I'm surprised you're still allowed to posses a butterfly knife out in LA la land.

*edited for spelling because apparently I am about as literate as a goldfish.
East L.A. is the butterfly knife capitol of the US, or at least it used to be. :lol: Don't you hear that? It's them laughing at the word "allowed" in unison.
Kyle Weiss":bddkgmup said:
I like that butterfly knife. I have never owned a nice one that didn't come from some shady dude at a flea market.
Hehehe!...I've got one of fairly high quality I still use as a letter opener. A buddy gave it to me for my 14th birthday, back in the 80s when they were the coolest things EVAR. That same buddy grew up to become a cop, which is funny since he later confessed to me he had stolen the knife from a truck stop.
George Kaplan":ufzggws0 said:
Hehehe!...I've got one of fairly high quality I still use as a letter opener. A buddy gave it to me for my 14th birthday, back in the 80s when they were the coolest things EVAR. That same buddy grew up to become a cop, which is funny since he later confessed to me he had stolen the knife from a truck stop.
I know great cops that led a shady past, and shady cops that had a "good" past. Funny how that works out. 8)
Ok. One last funny butterfly knife story before I stop bumping this thread:

Back about ten years ago when my ex-wife was my new live-in girlfriend, she saw me open a bill with my bali song. Her jaw dropped and she just stared at me with a weird look on her face. I thought I had somehow offended or upset her by flipping the knife open in the usual manner. Turns out I had actually AROUSED her! The less said of that, the better. ;)
A few weeks later, I was in the alley behind my house and I looked down and saw a butterfly knife just lying there on the ground. It was slightly smaller and lighter than mine, but still heavy enough to swing well. It was like Stabby Claus had left a gift for her! So now we had his-and-hers unlawful cutlery.
A short time after that, she had a couple of old girlfriends from college come to stay with us for a bit. The county fair happened to be in town that week, so one day I sent the ladies off to eat funnel cake while I played golf.
"Just don't bring home any carneys" I told them.
When I got home that evening I found they had all bought cheap-ass butterfly knives. The rest of that weekend, my house was filled with the sound of women's chatter punctuated by the constant "clink-clink, clink-clink" of the three of them learning their new toys. If a stranger had walked in, he would've thought I was training an elite squad of female assassins.
George Kaplan":we6z6p1s said:
It was like Stabby Claus had left a gift for her! So now we had his-and-hers unlawful cutlery.
If a stranger had walked in, he would've thought I was training an elite squad of female assassins.
I love this!
Great story! :cheers:
Three notes:

1) "Stabby Claus" made tea shoot out of my nose. Thanks. :lol:

2) That's one strange arousal focus, especially for a broad...

3) ...suddenly, a group of women all learning how to use butterfly knives?

Much of this is making me think we're not going to run out of interesting stories from you on any subject matter, Mr. Kaplan. 8)

At least the story didn't finish with... "...they all suddenly grinned, put down their knives and revealed a partially-bound, scared, tortured but somewhat satisfied carnie in the linen closet."
Kyle Weiss":hq9kbpw6 said:
At least the story didn't finish with... "...they all suddenly grinned, put down their knives and revealed a partially-bound, scared, tortured but somewhat satisfied carnie in the linen closet."
I'm more of a coffee man myself, but it comes out the nose just the same. :p
Coffee is my preference, too. Just can't do caffeine any more. Used to roast the stuff, matter-o-fact. *shrug* 8)
I have a few Case knives of various sizes that belonged to my grandfather, but more often than not I carry one of these:

ESEE Izula
I have trained my Daughter well. I get a new "Old Timer" every year for Fathers Day. They aren't made in America anymore, so she goes to all the small town hardware stores and searches out the old stock items.

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