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Brothers of Briar

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The weather sucks! Needing a cool smoke I opted for this Pioneer calabash. A friend passed it on to me along with some others when he gave up the pipe some years back. Some Sir Walter, and a bit of The Famous Grouse alongside. It could be worse...

Relaxing after making an extra large and two large extra cheese pizzas for my'lady and myself. I ate 3/4 of all those pizzas, and followed it up with a bowl of m'lady's freshly made strawberry ice cream. I've passed the quarter mark of this bowl of year 2010 Full Virginia Flake in a slight bend 1968 group 4S Dunhill Shell 475 cherrywood with a tapered black vulcanite stem. It's too humid for coffee this evening, so ice water and bergs is my drink.
Enjoyed a tasty golden delicious apple, and am a third of the way through this bowl of year 2014 Orlik Golden Sliced in a smooth brown medium bend Abbott 788 (Sasieni family era) author with a tapered black vulcanite stem. Watching the Braves-Giants game with Sleepy Suzy by my side Molly Danger is snoozin' on m'lady's lap.
Near the half way mark of this bowl of Watch City American Cut Plug Mixture early version #3 in a medium brown 1982 smooth slight bend straight grain Ben Wade Martinique freehand sitter with a wide top and a black vulcanite stem.
Good morning fellow BoBs. Feel like I've been working pretty hard lately so rewarding myself with some downtime and a bowl of Urban Cowboy in a Pete system B42 smooth bent apple and CR morning coffee. A pleasant 72 on the patio this morning. Starting chemo and radiation treatments in about a week. Chemo once a week for 6 weeks and radiation 5 days a week for 7 weeks. Keeping fingers crossed that it won't affect me too terribly, but sure there will be some side effects. But no choice, have to get through it. Take care my friends and hope all of you have a great day.
Too many to list, but here's some of my favs:
Jack Benny (the show really doesn't get going until 1937)
The Phil Harris-Alice Faye Show is one of the funniest and best written comedies. Remley is the most amoral character ever, but you'll love him just the same. This show is a must!
Lum and Abner (funny rural comedy that partly influenced The Andy Griffith Show)
Fibber McGee and Molly (we named our cat after Molly. The show doesn't really get good until 1937)
The Great Gildersleeve (the first spin off show, Gildy was on Fibber McGee and Molly)
Vic and Sade (great parody of people, but it's an acquired taste)
The Lone Ranger (best episodes are pre-1948)
The Green Hornet
The Shadow (less good after 1945)
Fred Allen
Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar (The five part Bob Bailey years are as good as any show of its kind)
Mystery in the Air (Peter Lorre is the star and the scripts are great)
Our Miss Brooks
Fort Laramie (one of the best written and acted radio westerns starring Raymond Burr right before he became TV's Perry Mason)
Richard Diamond (One of the best detective shows. Has some humor, and most episodes were written by Blake Edwards)
I wish I was on yesterday to see your post, thanks for the list! I'm always looking for more old time radio to listen through.
The only one from your list i have heard is Fibber McGee and Molly which I've listened through and enjoyed. The movie suggestions you gave to me some months ago im still getting around to watching but radio I can listen to while I do things. I'll have listened through each of these programs before the years conclusion.
This morning is PS Pistaccio in my aeromatics cob.
Briefy (ha) on the bluff, and having some 2024 C&D Steamworks in a Peterson rusticated standard system with p-lip 302. I had a personal saying when I was backpacking, hiking and camping more "that the best gear is what you mostly grab, especially when in a hurry". This applies to my pipe smoking and these two fit the bill. I think this is my all time favorite tobacco and pipe for a good sit down smoke (proper amount of time). That's my latest tamper too 😉.
Good morning fellow BoBs. Feel like I've been working pretty hard lately so rewarding myself with some downtime and a bowl of Urban Cowboy in a Pete system B42 smooth bent apple and CR morning coffee. A pleasant 72 on the patio this morning. Starting chemo and radiation treatments in about a week. Chemo once a week for 6 weeks and radiation 5 days a week for 7 weeks. Keeping fingers crossed that it won't affect me too terribly, but sure there will be some side effects. But no choice, have to get through it. Take care my friends and hope all of you have a great day.
@Ranger107 praying for you buddy.