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Brothers of Briar

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EZ, my 2003 Jeep 4.0L six is said to be the same way on zinc. Based on some forum info, I just put a HD 10w30 in it which is good for diesels and gas motors. It seemed to have helped.
I wondered if it might be unleaded fuel, "regular" fuel up until the early 80's had Lead as an anti-knock additive. Similar purpose to the Zinc in oil, it helped smooth irregularities between high friction parts. I hope the additive sorts the issue.

Just had another thought, how often do you drive it for more than 30 minutes? Do you ever get it out on the highway? If it sits long periods between uses lubricants settle out, air bleeds from tires, etc. I am sure you know all this, I'm just running some trouble-shooting through my head. I would love to see an image of your "baby".
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I finished a bent MM Boone filled with GLP Westminster watching the start of the IndyCar race.

I just started a bent MM Missouri Pride filled with GLP Horizon's Flake and a fresh glass of Moscato wine.
Relaxing after a wonderful salad, Dover sole and sugar snap peas dinner with strawberries for dessert. I'm just finishing this bowl of year 2014 Dunhill Flake in a straight smooth dark brown 1916 Barling The Hunt with beautiful silver work and a black vulcanite saddle stem with an orific bit. Community Coffee, neat, is my drink. Getting ready to watch/listen to the Braves-Angels game.
Off to work on a new Sabrina story with a bowl of Wilke Surbrug’s Crystal Palace in a dark brown smooth straight post-WW2 LHS Certified Purex 79 bulldog with a nickel ferrule and tenon with a black vulcanite saddle stem. Listening to the ball game.
LHS Certified Purex 79 bulldog .jpg
Now smoking Wilke No. 515 Double Shot in a smooth dark medium bend 2021 Peterson Heritage Brown POTY 4AB No. 45/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. This is No. 515 with twice the rum of the Basil Rathbone blend.
Daisy the Feral Princess and Tomato the Brave are inside eating wet and dry food. Harry the Hairy is outside eating dry food. Abner the Eager is whenever he goes at night. Every time I see those li'l fellas, they cry out to me with joy, especially Harry. Sam the Scamp used to do the same thing. Anyway, I'm half way through this bowl of year 2012 Astley’s No. 55 in a 1978 straight smooth brown BBB Silver Mounted 522 pot with a silver band and a tapered black vulcanite stem. I'll end the day with this smoke. Reading baseball box scores.
BBB_Silver Mounted522_pot.jpg
Greetings from Athens-Greece, we have sun and 93 'F here.


Here is the ''Shy Blackie" always staying in the back of my old parents house in the shadow, although looks with an strict look was very shy, always from distance and never came too close, me making one step forward then he was making one step backward, even when i was throwing food to him he didn't approach, we wanted to be very close to him. I don't know why was so afraid although he was looking that all the other cats were friendly with me.


''Is it you or is it me?" and as you can image the coward lost in this case too, he never ''fought'' for his food so i felt pity for him and i was waiting for the moment to be completely alone (so the other cats won't snatch the food) and with patience gave him to eat.
He never-ever made a sound, not even a single ''meow" not even once, just stearing at me and waiting.


Vanilla Hausmarke.
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Good morning BoB! Having some MM 150th in my little Bones Dublin, with coffee. Household chores today. Another long week of higher temps coming, I've begun looking forward to the coming winter. Winter is much more my element, it's easy to add a layer to go out. I can only take off so much clothing in public. There have been complaints...🤪


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Changed my smoking schedule from only 1 day a week to only on weekends, lol. Only 1 bowl today and wanted it to be a good one so it's CS Choctaw in the big Butz Choquin magnum bent brandy. About half way through. On my 2nd big mug of coffee. Rain last night, overcast this morning. Very pleasant and cool. Watching the birds and holding Augie in my lap. Legion pool tourney today over in Cottonwood. Should be fun. Have a great day my friends.
Enjoyed a tasty lunch, and am near the half way mark of this bowl of year 2020 Watch City Rouxgaroux in a 1999 smooth brown medium bend Peterson Sherlock Holmes Series Baskerville with a sterling silver band and black vulcanite p-lip stem. Giving the 4AB Natural a day off. I'd have typed this sooner, but Sleepy Suzy keeps head butting my wrist while I try to post, the silly girl. Watching the Reds-Royals game before the Braves-Angels game starts. Gold Star Jamaica Blue Mountain Dark Roast, neat, is my drink.
Peterson Sherlock Holmes_Baskerville.jpg

Fed all the ferals after I did my walks. Daisy the Feral Princess is snoozin' on her blanket. Tomato the Brave wanted back outside after he ate. Abner the Eager is snoozin' on m'lady's chair, and has been behaving inside recently, so we are giving him another chance so long as Molly Danger isn't in the same room. Harry the Hairy tried to jump up on my leg when he saw me, and he got a few minutes of attention before I fed him. Outside of Sam the Scamp (who we still miss), none of the ferals are as happy to see me as he is. Wish he had a home he could call his own because he'd sure make somebody happy.

Here's Harry crying for attention.