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Brothers of Briar

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Billy was on top of the aquarium!
Billy's either a life guard or a fisherman. :) Thanks for the photos.

Half way through this bowl of year 2020 D&R Raccoon’s Delight in my very reliable smooth straight post-1938 pre-Republic Peterson Sterling Canadian 263 with a sterling silver band and a tapered black vulcanite p-lip stem. Ice water and bergs is my drink.
Now smoking Wilke No. 515 Double Shot in a smooth dark medium bend 2021 Peterson Heritage Brown POTY 4AB No. 45/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. This is No. 515 with twice the rum of the Basil Rathbone blend. I don't think I'll finish everything I want to do before bed time, but I'll do what I can. Going to feed the ferals soon as Molly Danger finishes eating.
It's been all go recently. Amongst the shopping in readiness for my daughter's departure for university, I've been stripping and sanding internal oak doors and putting up shelving and curtain poles for my father in his new house. Well, my wife is in work, my daughter is in bed and so it's an opportunity for some quality time - a pot of EMP in the Bartoli, a pot of nice coffee and a good book. That'll see me right for an hour or so!
Now smoking Watch City American Cut Plug Mixture in a smooth medium bend terracotta Peterson POY 2023 X160 464/1100 military mount egg with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. Fed Harry the Hairy and Tomato the Brave. When I put Tomato out, Harry started to intimidate him, but when I scolded Harry, he relented and came back to me. However, as I was going back inside, Harry chased Tomato off the deck. Daisy the Feral Princess is in, but I can't feed her wet food until I get Abner the Eager back out. I'll do that after I post this. Abner must have been hungry to be here so late because this makes two days in a row that he's done that.
Good Morning my friends and fellow BoBs. A bout of medical issues have kept me from my pipes of late, and I'm missing a smoke of Hobbit Weed big time. But I'm passively smoking, reading and enjoying your posts. So keep em coming guys. As always I wish you all a great and awesome day.
Get well, Zippo!
Jeeze Singed, i thought we had it tough. But yeah, i heard that it's worse in Auss, I'll have to ask AussieMike
yeap so true Zip but like I always say if that if my biggest worry I am laughing. "and it is" :ROFLMAO: Great to chat with you tonight zip. I am not sure if It was because I was really,really drunk, but we didn't need an interpreter this time :LOL:
A very nice 56F here this am. Got out and enjoyed a bowl of Warped Cloudhopper in my trusty Peterson rusticated standard system with p-lip 302 with coffee and water. It was very tasty at first and down into the bowl. I read that this blend doesn't do well with DGT, and after just 15 minutes, the taste has deteriorated. I'm just stubborn enough to keep going though. For me, he one thing with a Pete system pipe is that once that well fills with juice, it is hard to keep a good taste going. I will let it cool, then clean the well and stem for the next round of a different tobacco. I know repeated bowls in a briar is not the best practice, but I figure it can take it.
Good morning BoB!
This morning I am smoking some of MacBaren's bulk Dark Twist. When I read dark fired kentucky, I didn't expect it to be this smooth.
For those outside the USA, I'm the sort of person who thinks the law of God is absolute and the laws men create are often just a bunch of baloney. Would it not be easy to send you tobacco in the mail with scent proof packaging? There might be hiccups in that plan but I don't know them.
On another note, this place is the most well functioning support group I've ever seen.