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Brothers of Briar

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Good afternoon gents. Still chasing after some taste. So, it's GLP Quiet Nights in an I. Baglin carved bent apple meer. Getting enough of the Latakia taste coming through to make it pleasing. The Jim Beam Red Stag bourbon on the side is helping, lol. Wifey making some BBQ chicken for supper. Hope I can enjoy that. Hate wasting calories on stuff I can't even taste. Guess that is why they say you lose weight on chemo, cause nothing satisfies the desire to taste something.
After dinner smoke, Bari Wiking freehand,SWR aromatic, Mc Cafe k-cup.
My wife has been bugging me all week to go to the town diner that recently reopened. I finally agreed to go tonight. The old place looked decent,but the menu had only about 20 items in total,it was literally 1 page! As soon as my wife saw the menu she wanted to leave.I talked her into staying as I am too lazy to drive some place else... I judge most diners on their coffee & food,the coffee was disgustingly thick and burnt. I played it safe and ordered a cheese burger,it arrived without cheese,which was a good thing because they were charging me 5 dollars extra for a slice of cheese!
My wife had dry pancakes... We had to ask for a spoon for coffee and salt and pepper ? The bill was almost 50 Dollars! I am looking forward to the under new management sign!
After dinner smoke, Bari Wiking freehand,SWR aromatic, Mc Cafe k-cup.
My wife has been bugging me all week to go to the town diner that recently reopened. I finally agreed to go tonight. The old place looked decent,but the menu had only about 20 items in total,it was literally 1 page! As soon as my wife saw the menu she wanted to leave.I talked her into staying as I am too lazy to drive some place else... I judge most diners on their coffee & food,the coffee was disgustingly thick and burnt. I played it safe and ordered a cheese burger,it arrived without cheese,which was a good thing because they were charging me 5 dollars extra for a slice of cheese!
My wife had dry pancakes... We had to ask for a spoon for coffee and salt and pepper ? The bill was almost 50 Dollars! I am looking forward to the under new management sign!
That's outrageous, a diner is meant to be a working-man's eatery. Simple, satisfying food, courteous service, reasonable portions at a realistic price. Sounds like all these points were neglected. This is why I rarely eat out anywhere, it become more ridiculous as the restaurant's cache increases.
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Not smoking at work is boring the hell out of me...I can't bring myself to order more cobs this year and I won't sacrifice anything from my current collection for it. I thought about buying a schitty $25 Chinese briar for work but reconsidered. Likelihood of it burning out in a week is high and god only knows what chemical garbage they're tainted with before they arrive here. Lead, arsenic, strychnine...asbestos? Gotta make it "fire-proof" somehow.

So, I've smoked myself into a mild tongue bite because week-ends have become a tobacco free-for-all to me. I think I'll have a bowl of Pegasus or Epiphany in my Savinelli this evening. They are both relaxed, balanced blends and shouldn't set off any alarms.

PS: Decided to have Borkum Riff in the Re-Gent instead.


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My last smoke of the day,Custom-Bilt billiard with Capt black original blend,decaf coffee.I got another early morning at the catering hall tomorrow.
Singed,why don`t you look on e-bay for some preowned pipes, I have gotten some great deals on there on pipes that just needed some elbow grease. I buy a few of these,clean them up and use them at work or in the yard. I dont worry if i clumsily drop it ,or leave it outside. I have gotten a few old briars for 20 bucks or so on e-bay. Beltram pipes are dirt cheap well made & good smokers.
Relaxing after a wonderful salad, chicken legs and sugar snap peas dinner. M'lady is making peach ice cream, so I'll happily wait for dessert. I've passed the first third of this bowl of first release Watch City Rhythm & Blues in a black sandblasted straight 1998 XXX Ashton Pebble Grain lovat with a black acrylic saddle stem. Community Coffee, neat, is my drink. Watching the Braves-Dodgers game with Sleepy Suzy by my side. Daisy the Feral Princess finally woke up from her snoozin' at my feet to get something to eat. Molly Danger is snoozin' in the bedroom, but m'lady is going to bring her to the den in a minute or two. Abner the Eager has been in all day, mostly snoozin'.
Now smoking Ken Byron Ventures Jim’s Special Flake 2023 in a 1984 black rusticated full bend Peterson Mark Twain military mount egg with a silver cap and tapered black vulcanite p-lip stem. Watching the two Dodgers' position players pitch is amusing.
Now smoking year 2021 Erik Stokkebye 4th Generation Evening Flake in a smooth medium bend 2021 Peterson Ebony POTY 4AB No. 422/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. Watching a Gene Autry movie.
Now smoking year 2012 Esoterica Dunbar in a smooth straight, dark brown early 1960s Lane era Charatan Selected 43 Dublin with a black vulcanite double comfort saddle stem. This pipe was formerly owned by actor William Conrad. Watching the Astros-Angels game.
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A third of the way through this bowl of year 2020 Angler's Dream in a 2018 natural smooth medium bend Peterson 03 apple silver spigot military mount with a tapered black acrylic fish tail stem. This'll do it for me today.
Breakfast of Champions, MM 150th in the Cobbler with morning coffee. Saw a 10% increase in my mobile service, looking into terminating it. I only have service for emergencies, no data, streaming etc. I don't even use text. A ten percent increase to a minimal service 3G account is insulting.
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Good Morning!
Yesterday late afternoon and evening got a bit crazy. The cats were almost out of food so after visits from some friends I loaded up a bent MM Let Freedom Ring with just arrived C&D Derringer and took off for cat food. That pipe kept me company for most of the evening. I started a bent MM Missouri Pride loaded with C&D Star of the East and just finished it after doing morning chores. Next up is C&D Stratfordshire in an MM Washington 5th Ave.