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Brothers of Briar

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Good morning BoBs. Cheating again with a bowl of PA in a MM Park Ave cob with a mug of CR coffee. Even if I can't taste much just puffing away and sipping on coffee is relaxing. Chemo later so want to feel good while I can, lol. Have a great day everyone.
Hey Ranger, when my wife was going through chemo the first four rounds was the hard stuff that makes your hair fall out and you get very sick. The other 12 rounds she got was once a week but it wasn't that bad for her. But the first four, man that was hard to watch. They gave her some kind of steroids to help stop the nausea. But the oncologist prescribed her these patches that lasted three days. They were life saver! The only problem was the insurance only paid for two prescriptions a month. Three came in a prescription. They were $2,500 per script but our insurance paid for most of it, I think I had to pay $50 that was it. If you're having trouble with nausea those patches are worth looking into. I'm sure your doctor knows what it is. I forget the name of the meds.
Smoking a Design Berlin billiard with 7 seas regular blend,another large mug of Horton`s coffee. I have been doing battle with Walmart all morning! Last night I bought a 43 inch tv for my daughter online,everything went thru perfectly,this morning I am getting bombarded with e-mails asking me to set up codes and insisting that they deliver the tv. I specifically checked store pick up this morning after 11 am! I know in todays sick world you can`t be too careful,but I am buying a 3 hundred dollar tv,not a Mercedes Benz! The charge card I used last night sent me an e-mail last night informing me that the purchase was approved and all was good! Why is every damn thing so complicated?
From a newly opened tin of C&D Steamworks 2024, a bowl in a Peterson rusticated standard system with p-lip 309. That is an authentic Indian flint tool from the local land.
1)Written but not posted yesterday:

It's a pleasant evening in the Bluegrass. I just finished mowing the lawn and am now relaxing with MB Mixture: Scottish in a Peterson Dublin Edition 999 and a glass of Ballantine's Scotch over ice.


(2) Today:

I'm in Florence, Ky. for a few days so the missus can fill in at our daughter's flower shop while she is on vacation. Jacksie and I are house-sitting, and I'm on the back porch smoking KBV Burley Morning Pipe in a Jansen's N.O. bent volcano with saddle stem, drinking Coke Zero, and reading a book.

I had a great time at Walmart earlier, had an argument with a store clerk and manager there! the bottom line is they sell merchandise online that they don`t have in the store! When I said this to the mgr he told me I was a LIAR, I calmly asked him to give me the TV I paid for online ,showed him proof of purchase and he proceeded to tell me he had none in stock? Am I losing my mind?
He also told me if I wanted the TV that bad I can go to the store 20 miles away for it, I told him, I dont work for walmart you do-you go and get it! Wow!
I called the chg card company ,now it`s over...
Enjoying a Pete Strand ,LL-7,Bottle of Pellegrino.
Another good morning BoB,
Today I woke up feeling pretty good. I packed a bowl of Lane RLP into my mm cob and went to work.
I figured out a pretty challenging embroidery for a custom wingsuit which took two hours but I'm happy it's embroidering well now. Darn thing has 100 colors and I only have 15 heads on the machine to put cones of thread into. Bonus is that each cone of thread has different tensile strength and coating meaning each needs different tension in the machine. What a doozy. I'd be lying if I said the nicotine didn't make life easier in situations like this.
I bought a butane pipe lighter with an adjustable flame and I think I've been a kerosene snob for no good reason. I might like the butane lighter better for the pipe.
Listening to Bob Hope and drinking barley tea.
Somehow I'm just feeling good about today. Hope each of you is feeling as good or better.
Life is good.
I had a great time at Walmart earlier, had an argument with a store clerk and manager there! the bottom line is they sell merchandise online that they don`t have in the store! When I said this to the mgr he told me I was a LIAR, I calmly asked him to give me the TV I paid for online ,showed him proof of purchase and he proceeded to tell me he had none in stock? Am I losing my mind?
He also told me if I wanted the TV that bad I can go to the store 20 miles away for it, I told him, I dont work for walmart you do-you go and get it! Wow!
I called the chg card company ,now it`s over...
Enjoying a Pete Strand ,LL-7,Bottle of Pellegrino.
WOW indeed EZ.
I was always under the impression, that the consumer was king in America. Or is that only before they get your money.
Well done you for remaining calm, I'm sure I wouldn't have.
A third of a bowl left of pre-2014 Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 2014 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend squashed tomato with an aluminum band and a black pearl acrylic stem in the military mount style. Fed my cats and all of the ferals except for the absent Abner the Eager. It's still raining, so no walking reps today. Watching Mad Dog Russo. Ice water and bergs is my drink.
Basil_squashed_ tomato copy.jpg

@Balisong , pick up the scampers? They been somewhere? Btw, we haven't seen them lately. How about a photo or two?

@Idlefellow , I wish the rain would leave here and come your way so I could get my walking in, man. :)
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Enjoyed a tasty lunch, and have passed the half way mark of this bowl of year 2020 Watch City Rouxgaroux in a smooth medium bend 2021 Peterson POTY Natural 4AB No. 6/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. The last of this bag of Gold Star 50th, neat, is my drink. Watching The Lady Vanished on TCM.
A quarter of the way through this bowl of KBV B. Frog’s Colonial Reserve 2024 in a 1980s White Pipe straight, smooth octagonal paneled billiard meerschaum with an acrylic yellow cream colored saddle stem. Working on a review of this blend. Took a few minutes to survey the yard as the rain stopped a half hour ago. Lots of small to medium limbs and sticks are on the ground. I picked up the biggest ones from the front yard, and carried them to a pile of fallen debris. Lots of mushrooms grew, too. Harry the Hairy followed me the entire time, but he refused to help out. As Jed Clampett used to say, "I gotta have a long talk with that boy."
Now smoking a bowl from a freshly opened tin of year 2013 Germain’s Plum Cake in an undated, unbranded straight lattice meerschaum military mount with a silver cap and tapered yellow acrylic stem. Watching the Braves-Reds game.

Unbranded MM meer.jpg