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Brothers of Briar

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  1. williamcharles

    old grabows, how to clean the metal?

    The metal  is aluminum and I clean mine with Brasso if just tarnished. Any good metal polish should do it. If scratched, since they're Grabows, I don't bother with trying to remove scratches from them.
  2. williamcharles

    Headed to Indiana tonight....

    Where in Indiana? Smoking is banned in most bars and in all restaurants here in Indiana as far as I know.
  3. williamcharles

    A Quality Lighter

    I own a NIBO and a JOBAN that do the same thing. The JOBAN is particularly bad about it. I turn the adjuster down and get several more lights from them...sometimes...other times it doesn't work out that way. WHOOSH and the gas is gone. I had a NIBO that turned into a fireball in my hand because...
  4. williamcharles


    I shuddered the first time I read that sentence. I don't wobble but I do fall. Sometimes flat on my face with no warning whatever. Up one second, down the next. Embarrassing. I fell last summer and almost broke my right leg. I'll take that pain over the laying on the floor screaming pain. I've...
  5. williamcharles


    Ron, I feel for you. I've got three dry discs in my lower back and have already had the four fused in my neck. Screaming pain? Oh yeah. I feel for ya.
  6. williamcharles


    Here ya go Pete. I found the answer from Mr. Wortzel regarding perique in OGS. Mr. McKinney: My coworker in Denmark passed along your question regarding Orlik Golden Sliced. For the record: there is NO Burley in OGS. It is Virginia with a hint of perique. Part of the confusion is probably...
  7. williamcharles


    OGS is a vaper. I emailed the folks who make it and was told that the "burley" printed on the tin was a mistake of long standing that just never got rectified and that it does contain perique. Email them and see if you get the same answer. I know several others have but it's always best to check...
  8. williamcharles

    Bald Headed Teacher Substitute

    Thomas, some day, if you shop with P&C, they sell an interesting tobacco called Obsidian. It's made of latakia and black cavendish. Sweet, smokey, rough cut and cool burning. The cavendish is probably burley but I'm guessing at that. Virginias bite me and Obsidian had no bite at all. I haven't...
  9. williamcharles

    More Blackhorse Artistry

    Beautiful tamper. Beautiful work from BlackHorse as usual. I love looking at his work...especially the Puukos he makes. That tamper sure looks like it's loaded with magic, positive energy or something, now that you mention it. Beautiful! I hope you get to enjoy it for many years to come.
  10. williamcharles

    Butane Pipe lighter Insert

    I have a T Bird insert and it works fine. Had it for 3 years and no problems. Like others have mentioned the fuel reserviour is on the small size but no smaller than in a Nibo or many other gas lighters. A drop of light oil on the fuel lever once in three years, and putting in a new flint when...
  11. williamcharles

    Nimrod lighter

    My commander blows my Zippo out of the water too. Much better performance fuel wise. Great lighters and they last and last and last. I also have one of the old Nimrod "Bolt" type lighters. It lives in a drawer. Small fuel capacity. Great for someone who maybe smokes 1-2 bowls daily.
  12. williamcharles

    The Christmas Eve pipe

    Nice one, Michael. For me it's gonna be some dark birdseye in my gourd calabash.
  13. williamcharles

    Zippo Tip

    The wicks used today are different and allow for some excessive evaporation (I think). The old wicks were more or less woven/twisted solidly and encased in a cotton sheath while today's wicks are threads twisted around a wire. Some of my Zippos slide into the cases tightly and some loosely...
  14. williamcharles

    Sad Sad Day

    Summed up nicely and truer words were never spoken. My pal was 14 when he died August 19, 2004. I still and always will miss him but it gets easier with time. Someday your dad and yourself will be able to laugh at the funny things Raven did and smile when you remember all that love he gave. I...
  15. williamcharles

    Backpacking With Pipe & Tobacco

    I can't "hike" but I do still walk in the woods. I just take a tobacco that does not require any special babying...just stuff and puff. Iwan Ries International is a good baccy if you like a "cross over" blend. A lot of latakia but still some sweetness there. Carter Hall or Prince...
  16. williamcharles

    Back surprise

    What I have to say probably won't be accepted well by some but I have to say it. Hope for the best but expect the worse. I have had four vertebrae fused in my neck. The docs I saw had refused to operate saying that I would not make it off the table alive because of my heart problems. I...
  17. williamcharles

    Hello from Me-ChiefBull

    Ahoy, Chief! Welcome aboard.
  18. williamcharles

    Apple blends

    I stopped dealing with P&C but I know a lot of folks still do so that's why I referenced them. I like SP too. Great folks and they get the brunt of my business these days. Looks like I was wrong about the P&C reference because I can't find it at P&C today.
  19. williamcharles

    Apple blends

    Santee Low Country apple at P&C
  20. williamcharles


    I've got the Castleford, the Senior, a Buttner but I usually ream with the spey blade of my Case knife. Now and then I'll smooth things out with sand paper and avoid the knife. Just go slowly with the Senior and remove very thin layers, mainly scraping off dust. Hopefully the cake won't chip but...