
Brothers of Briar

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Some people believe in folklore. It enriches the experience for them. Even if they know other angles and facts, the folklore plays a role they value. Rationalism is overrated. There's so much more to life than it.
Which is cool.

I have a permanent fondness for Petersons just because they're Petersons -- which, for a century and more, were the Irish Underdogs. And for old British manufacturers' over-run, clean private label & basket pipes. Blue collar soul.

But advertising hype that attains the status of gospel through force of uncritical repetition doesn't sit well.

Nor, IMHO, should it.

Yak Out.

Zeno Marx":ttnkr84b said:
Some people believe in folklore. It enriches the experience for them. Even if they know other angles and facts, the folklore plays a role they value.
And with the folklore, come the intangibles that make our pursuits interesting:

I'm glad a band like Led Zeppelin did not exist in the age of the internet and celebrity blogs.
I love the folklore surrounding that group, and others from their era, and I don't really need to know the whole brutal truth.
We do tend to get carried away with trivia, which in turn whittles away at the grandness that captured our imaginations.
Harlock999":12py6uje said:
Zeno Marx":12py6uje said:
Some people believe in folklore. It enriches the experience for them. Even if they know other angles and facts, the folklore plays a role they value.
And with the folklore, come the intangibles that make our pursuits interesting:

I'm glad a band like Led Zeppelin did not exist in the age of the internet and celebrity blogs.
I love the folklore surrounding that group, and others from their era, and I don't really need to know the whole brutal truth.
We do tend to get carried away with trivia, which in turn whittles away at the grandness that captured our imaginations.
You nailed it. Particularly when it comes to art and the artist. The less I know, the better. I do my best to avoid all the particulates and trivia. Maybe it shouldn't inhibit things, but for whatever reason, it does for me.

I remember when MTV came into being and then got huge. Some artists didn't want to make videos. They didn't want to rob the listener of their own associations and imagination; how the interaction became theirs. Having that relationship drawn into specifics, it becoming definitive by the visuals.
I've read this thread with interest. Here are my sentiments from a thread on the PAD forum-

Brewdude":nq1t9ygo said:
Only had one Dunhill and it was the worst smoking pipe I've ever had. Paid a bit over $400 for it new at the Dunhill store in London back in '01. It was a Shell Briar and had waaaay too open a draw. Never could get it to smoke decent.

While this is very probably an isolated incident, it's put me off Dunhills completely. At least for the time being.



Ocelot55":nq1t9ygo said:
I didn't think there was such a thing as too open a draw. Feel free to send that Dunhill to me if you still have it.

Brewdude":nq1t9ygo said:
I never experienced this either until that Dunnie. Great looking pipe, but the airway seemed to be drilled out far too wide compared to my other pipes. By as much as say 30% or more.

Tried different packing methods, different cuts, etc. Even a firm pack with well rubbed out flake produced a very hot chamber despite concentrating on smoking cadence. I even considered trying to rig up some sort of filter like a cut down Savinelli balsa piece to restrict the draw.

I thought long and hard about what to do, and was on the verge of sending it to a pipe tech. Yet after spending as much as I did, I was reluctant to invest who knows how much on top of it and not knowing if it would solve the issue to my satisfaction.

In the end, I decided to cut my loss and sent it to smokingpipes for their estates section. Got about 20% of the retail value, but at least it gave me a credit there for future purchases. And perhaps their pipe techs sorted the issue out. In any case someone got a helluva deal. Think it got listed for about half the value I paid, and it was sold immediately.

That was the only Dunhill I ever held, so no experience with the draw on any of their others. I have to believe this one was some sort of anomaly.

During my visit to the Dunhill store back in '01, I didn't test the draw prior to purchasing. On reflection, I'm not sure if they even allowed this. Perhaps they could have provided a rubber bit protector but never even thought to ask about that.

Guess I must have thought that if "it's a Dunhill then of course it'll be a great smoking pipe" or some such. Wish I'd been more experienced back then, but like a wise man once said "wish in one hand and s**t in another and see what you get more of"!

Does this put me off Dunnies? Yes, for the time being. I'll certainly want to check the draw on any before any future purchases. And that does make the prospect of estate acquisition from an e-tailer pretty much out of the mix.

In any case I'm in no particular rush to dip my toe in the Dunhill water anytime soon. Once bitten, twice shy they say.

Long post, but that's how it is.....



I love you, my brothers. You are the kind of guys I like to be associated with. Sharing deep thoughts and no bragging.

We are who we are and we are happy to be who we are?!!! :cheers: :bounce: :cheers: :bball: :sunny:
Just as long as we don't take our seriousness too seriously. Seriously. 8)

Congratulations Pete - looks nice, very mint.

SpeedyPete":y3qx9v74 said:
That is odd seeing that this was said, by you, just a few days ago in another thread.

Subject: Re: K. Anastasopoulos Pipes Thu Aug 02, 2012 3:16 pm

Where/how do we go about to purchase one of your pipes, sir?

I'd rather pay a lot of money for one of these pipes than for a dunghill

But regardless, I thank all of you who who turned this thread into a circus. Seperately I thank all of you who gave genuine replies as well. I left out some info in this thread intentionally. So seeing that everyones panties are in a wad, I will shed some light on this. I have a Dunhill pipe in my collection now. It rests in a shadow box proudly displayed on my wall along with a folded American Flag, dog tags and a few other personal momentos. I can not and will not remove it from it's resting place. I traveled with it's owner to foreign lands where he and I were targets not welcome visitors. Not often was that pipe not between his teeth, and not often were we not together. One terrible day that ended, as did his life. Mine left changed forever, and a family torn apart.

That pipe was a symbol of what a true American was. He gave all. I had not picked up the habit again until recently. Sitting in my office, looking at that display made me want to bring my friend back through that pipe. I had not even pondered the cost, because the price he paid was higher than what I could live long enough to spend. So for all of you that can't fathom buying a new Dunhill, I just gave you my reason. I ordered it Friday. I know I said earlier in this thread I may or may not buy a Dunhill, I just wanted the ******** to stop. My mind was made up before I posted this topic what I was going to do. Just was asking more out of curiosity what to expect. So there is some insight to my why's and why not's. Let's move on now.

Jers":m2mqzgug said:
Congratulations Pete - looks nice, very mint.

I thank you, sir!

I will post an essay about this pipe, and estate pipes in particular, on this thread a bit later. ;)
SpeedyPete":6a5rlnzh said:
Jers":6a5rlnzh said:
Congratulations Pete - looks nice, very mint.

I thank you, sir!

I will post an essay about this pipe, and estate pipes in particular, on this thread a bit later. ;)
Dear Jers,

I can't bring myself to the point where I would pay a lot of money to buy a white dot to which is attached a pipe of inferior quality. I mean, white isn't even a colour, it's the lack of colour which shows up white or black.

Also, with the lack of knowledge about pipes, no one in South Africa will ever stroll up to me and say: "Hi there, fella, I see you're smoking one hell of a nice Dunhill". So there is no logic in buying said white dot for me.

But, a PARKER!!! Yes, an ESTATE PARKER is something totally different. This particular pipe was made in the early 60's when quality, unlike today, was very important to both pipe maker and buyer. Today's buyers, or rather some of them, believe a white dot, plus an astronomical price, equals quality. Not so, not so at all.

Now back to the PARKER. First of all this pipe was smoked a lot. A pipe on eBay, which was "barely smoked", makes me suspicious. Why pay a lot of money and then "barely smoke" the pipe? Because it's a ****** pipe, that's why. So I love a pipe which has been SMOKED because it confirms to me that the previous owner LIKED it a lot.

When the pipe is in excellent condition as well, it tells me that the previous owner not only liked it but LOVED it. He cared for it because it was precious to him. I've just bought a well LIKED and LOVED pipe.

Who was the previous owner? Is he still alive or passed away already? What was his reaction when he held this beauty in his hands for the first time? Which tobacco was the first to fill the bowl? What did use to light the first smoke, matches or lighter?
What did the smoke taste like, was he happy or disappointed? Whom did he show it to for the first time? How many other pipes did this guy own? Was this PARKER his favourite?

This is my 6th pipe which I've bought form brother Nathan Mattia. So you see Jers, I know that I've bought a good pipe. I know it will be an excellent smoker, no guess work involved. And I only paid R800.18 ($96.99) for it, shipping included. I know there is no white dot on it but, so what? I'm going to smoke it, not hang it against the wall and play the national anthem hourly on the hour to honour the previous owner. The memories of the "unknown soldier", who broke in this pipe for me, will be honoured by me smoking and enjoying his pipe. And I know he will like it, dead or alive!!!

Long live estate pipes :cheers:
Very well put Pete.

I must admit to really starting to enjoy my estate Parker. Despite rigorous sanitising and polishing the pipe initally smoked with a slightly perfumey undernote. I'm hoping it was a latent taste from the previous owner's tobacco choice (could you name the perfume smelling baccy?) and not ‘old dead guy' flavour!

However now the Parker is now coming into its own - very easy to smoke, and to meet my taste it's producing clouds of fragrant sweet tobacco smoke.

I must keep an eye on Brother Mattia's eBay shop........

Enjoy the pipe when it arrives - very nice purchase.



Jers":5y7z4ppj said:
Very well put Pete.

I must admit to really starting to enjoy my estate Parker. Despite rigorous sanitising and polishing the pipe initally smoked with a slightly perfumey undernote. I'm hoping it was a latent taste from the previous owner's tobacco choice (could you name the perfume smelling baccy?) and not ‘old dead guy' flavour!

However now the Parker is now coming into its own - very easy to smoke, and to meet my taste it's producing clouds of fragrant sweet tobacco smoke.

I must keep an eye on Brother Mattia's eBay shop........

Enjoy the pipe when it arrives - very nice purchase.


The only tobacco I've smoked so far which leaves that kind of ghost, is Condor. But, I can promise you, it's a friendly ghost which won't harm you in any way.
Jers":inyoj3t3 said:
I must keep an eye on Brother Mattia's eBay shop........


No need to do that. Check out VIKINGCLUBPIPES.COM and buy directly from him.
Hey, as far as this thread has gone down it's been amusing. The way I see it, if you don't like the circus, don't juggle in one while wearing a big red nose. 8)

*takes off huge floppy shoes*


Kyle Weiss":259gaujp said:
The way I see it, if you don't like the circus, don't juggle in one while wearing a big red nose


....or while smoking a white dotted pipe!!!
SpeedyPete":v1g02isb said:
Kyle Weiss":v1g02isb said:
The way I see it, if you don't like the circus, don't juggle in one while wearing a big red nose


....or while smoking a white dotted pipe!!!
...only if you're juggling lit torches and can light the pipe perfectly. That'd be a show. 8)
If this thread was a train it's been derailed! ;)

I'm still trying to get the juggling clowns smoking pipes outa my head.



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