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Home from lunch at Mom's, she took me to her local Chinese joint. I like it, we go periodically and it's not your typical Chinese food place, nothing tastes artificial or over sauced. I would say it's like Chinese home cooking.

Did some yard work for her and taught her how to program her new thermostat. Made sure the tutorial site was locked into her browser favourites, too. The tech that installed it gave her no manual or instruction. Prick looking for a call-back.

Finished my visit pruning some deadwood from the trees on her lot before mother nature decided to do it. She isn't as neat about it as I am. Had a beer with her on the deck after and a bowl of epiphany in my Bones Dublin. It's become my favourite "puttering" pipe.

Calling it a day. Think I'll have my remaining Epiphany from my roll-up in my Horn-meer with a beer. G'nite BoBs!


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Relaxing after a wonderful salad, chicken legs and green beans dinner with a small bowl of French vanilla ice cream for dessert. I'm half way through this bowl of year 2012 Esoterica Dunbar in a smooth straight, dark brown early 1960s Lane era Charatan Selected 43 Dublin with a black vulcanite double comfort saddle stem. This pipe was formerly owned by actor William Conrad. It's too humid for coffee, so my drink is ice water and bergs.
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Passing the quarter mark of this bowl of 2017 Watch City Deluxe Crumb Cut in a 2016 Peretti's M.T. Natural made in Holland straight smooth brown Algerian briar billiard with a tapered black acrylic stem. Watching an old b-western.
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Wow, can't believe I'm the 1st post of the day. Did everyone sleep in, lol? Anyway, good morning BoBs. On the patio with CS Choctaw in a Pete Pub with morning CR coffee. Another hot day. Went from 72 on the patio to 80 in just 40 minutes. High in the mid 90s predicted. So, out to the ranch early to ride. Doctor finally cleared Carole to start riding again so will put her in the round pen on Teddy till she gets her seat back. Been almost 6 months since her accident so she needs to get her confidence back. Thankfully Teddy is a total gentleman and an easy ride. Have a great day guys.
Grainger in my beater cob. I'm gravitating more and more towards codger burleys.
This was a fantastic weekend for me and my wife. I fixed her computer, went to a wonderful aviation museum, made another round of soap, hiked a butte near us and made friends with the wildlife on top, and spent some time with a good friend.
Jim, I still don't have an answer to your question of what blends gave me the unpleasant sensation on my tongue, I haven't forgotten though.
Grainger in my beater cob. I'm gravitating more and more towards codger burleys.
This was a fantastic weekend for me and my wife. I fixed her computer, went to a wonderful aviation museum, made another round of soap, hiked a butte near us and made friends with the wildlife on top, and spent some time with a good friend.
Jim, I still don't have an answer to your question of what blends gave me the unpleasant sensation on my tongue, I haven't forgotten though.
Those burleys can be hard to beat and that one is a favorite. The blenders knew their customers and those guys were regular smokers. Amphora Original is another awesome blend and available in some Krogers stores around here for < $4 per 1.75 oz pouch. They do ask a premium to me from other sources.
The tech that installed it gave her no manual or instruction. Prick looking for a call-back.
You might be giving some incompetent fool too much credit, not that either scenario is acceptable.

I am smoking a bowl, while waiting for someone from the Cooling Center to call and tell me that the ice truck has finally arrived.
(There has been an abundance of volunteers over the past few days but not many who are capable of semi-heavy lifting.)
Good evening friends and fellow BoBs.
Been a quite a weekend, having been down to Cornwall for a small break away.
But home now, and time for some of Rangers blended Urban Cowboy in a Petersons Xmas 22, before we head out to the village for a drink and evening meal. I hope everyone is having a great day.
Did a set of walking reps in this awful heat and humidity, and smoked a bowl of year 2016 D&R Three Sails in an undated straight brush etched black Molina apple with a nickel band and a tapered black vulcanite stem. I fed Harry the Hairy before I did that. Abner the Eager and Tomato the Brave were waiting for me in the shade a different places when I finished, and I fed both of them. Daisy the Feral Princess is inside somewhere snoozin'. It's time for some lunch.
Enjoyed a tall stack of cinnamon raisin French toast with unsalted peanuts and a Sweet Tango apple on the side. I'm smoking year 2010 Mac Baren Burley London Blend in a smooth medium bend 2011 Rinaldo Collection Fiammata Silver Line 7 Odea 04 flame grain bulldog with a silver band and a tortoise shell acrylic saddle stem. The last of this bag of Lavazza Classico, neat, is my drink.
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