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Brothers of Briar

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It's a lovely, cool evening in the Bluegrass. I'm smoking Wilke Lizzie Blood Red English in a Peterson's 312 smooth standard system pipe with vulcanite p-lip stem. My drink is McCafe Decaf k-cup coffee. And I'm reading The Maltese Falcon.

@Forrest Originally my Breakfast of Champions was Sutliff Mark Twain in a bent MM 5th Avenue Legend with Ovaltine coffee. It evolved into MM150th Anniversary blend in a MM Charlestowne Cobbler with coffee regular. I still like both Sutliff Mark Twain and Ovaltine coffee, I simply ran out of both of them. I do prefer the Cobbler for BoC, it is a larger bowl and I can smoke it over two coffees. The mug was a gift from two of my nieces for my birthday last year and I love it to death.

Decompressed with a bowl of Granger in my Rossi lumberman sitter and a "Cuban" coffee. The rum is Diplomatico Mantuana from Venezuela.


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Relaxing after a wonderful salad, chicken legs and sugar snap peas dinner with strawberries for dessert. I'm near the first third of this bowl of year 2022 unreleased Sutliff Brown Virginia Flake in a 1920s medium bend smooth dark brown BBB Umbra bulldog with a tapered black vulcanite stem with an orific bit. Ice water and bergs is my drink for right now. Watching the Royals-Yankees game.
A quarter of the way through this bowl of year 2021 Watch City Glass Slipper Micro-Batch in a post-2000 straight brown sandblasted Tom Eltang cherrywood with a black acrylic saddle stem. Community Coffee, neat, is my drink. Molly Danger has been exceptionally persistent in wanting my attention, which of course, she got. Getting ready to clean a few pipes while I watch the ballgame.