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Finally finished the yard work ,Smoking a Medico ventilator with Lane LL-7 and a quick k-cup before I hit the shower, My wife just called and asked "whats for dinner? I was so busy outside this morning , I totally forgot to defrost something! So, I guess its take-out tonite!
Part way through this bowl of C&D Steamworks Small Batch in a 1986 three quarter bend Bacchus face CAO meer with a tapered dark tortoise shell colored acrylic stem. This broken flake blend is old belt (North Carolina and Georgia) orange, mahogany, bright, and six grades of red Virginias, vintage sun cured Orientals include year 2005 Black Sea Sokhoum, and St. James perique. It goes on sale Aug. 22. Hope I'll be able to post the review at TR by then.
Passing the quarter mark on this bowl of year 2020 Mac Baren Scottish Mixture in a straight, smooth brown 1960s Lane era Charatan Special 38 bulldog with a black vulcanite saddle stem. Going to do a little work on this Josie story.
Part way through this bowl of C&D Steamworks Small Batch in a 1986 three quarter bend Bacchus face CAO meer with a tapered dark tortoise shell colored acrylic stem. This broken flake blend is old belt (North Carolina and Georgia) orange, mahogany, bright, and six grades of red Virginias, vintage sun cured Orientals include year 2005 Black Sea Sokhoum, and St. James perique. It goes on sale Aug. 22. Hope I'll be able to post the review at TR by then.
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Jim, i looked up that Black Sea Sokhoum tobacco, and even in general, it looks to be unusual. Is it rare to see this type of tobacco in a blend? I saw McClelland had it. Thanks
Afternoon gents. Pre dinner I'm having Stanwell Melange in a Bari Senior slight dublin with Earl Gray tea. A bit frustrated by this blend. Based on the description and reviews I thought I would really like it. But so far, yeah I know, only 3 bowls, but it just isn't appealing to me. Maybe I just haven't found the right pipe match up. Seems to burn a little hot and has a bit of a rough edge. Will keep trying.
Passing the quarter mark on this bowl of in a dark brown medium bend grain etched 1970s Preben Holm Ben Wade Prominence B freehand with a black vulcanite stem. This may get me to dinner time. Watching the Braves-Pirates game.
Preben Holm Ben Wade Prominence B.jpg
Relaxing after a wonderful salad, big wild caught catfish and sugar snap peas dinner with strawberries for dessert. I'm smoking year 2016 Peter Heinrichs Dark Strong Kentucky in an undated family era Sasieni Natural Four Dot Grosvenor smooth medium brown quarter bend bulldog with a black tapered vulcanite stem.
Almost a third of way through this bowl of year 2021 Watch City Glass Slipper Micro-Batch in a post-2000 straight brown sandblasted Tom Eltang cherrywood with a black acrylic saddle stem. Community Coffee, neat, is my drink.
Good evening everyone. Apres diner smoking Watch City Terrapin Station in a Nording 70s vintage freehand. Kirkland brand Canadian whiskey on the side. Went to go shooting this am but they issued a level 1 fire watch so no firearms discharge allowed. Fairly pleasant 82 on the patio. My last smoke for today. Good night my friends.
Passing the quarter mark on this bowl of Wilke Coronado Oriental in a straight black sandblasted undated, unbranded Made in France short shank billiard with a long black vulcanite tapered stem. Ice water and bergs is my drink. Listening to The Shadow from my radio collection.
First, I'm smoking Word of Mouth in a Charatan's Make 4420DC billiard. I'll get the right ingredients for Urban Cowboy tomorrow. This is just kind of beefed up black cavendish, but there's something to be said for that.

I ordered a few pipe carving kits today, but two of them are morta and one is meerschaum. I thought it'd get me off buying Charatans on eBay, and doing something a little more productive. And morta has some mystique to me.

Lastly, I rolled down to my old b&m, took a page from @Balisong's book and got a new cob. The guy showed me "$160 worth" of a single tamper, and then a bunch of $8.95 ones, and I picked one of those, and as I was turning away, he pulled out the one I actually got. This one has mother of pearl and it was just a few bucks more. The cigar box is new too. So I bought something , and wasn't just a bum looking around at the same old pipes.

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