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Watching a docu-series on Henry Lee Lucas. Star of the East in my Anton & Co. Coffee to pair.


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This is the third time I'm trying to post today, but my laptop's not having it. 😡

This morning, a MM Night Rider with Scraps. The taste is at its best on the first light. All downhill from there.

This afternoon, having a MM Legend with Scraps. It's 91° with a heat index of 100°. And it's not a dry heat!
Passing the first third of this bowl of year 2012 Rolando’s Own in a smooth straight early ‘60s Lane era “William Conrad” Charatan Executive Extra Large stretch apple with diagonal channel cuts on the lower right and left of the bowl along with a black vulcanite double comfort saddle stem. My last smoke was a test to see how well that pipe performed while I worked. I was happy to see that it did very well.
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Relaxing after a wonderful salad, chicken legs and green beans dinner with strawberries for dessert. I've passed the half way mark of this bowl of year 2018 Sutliff Dunhill Elizabethan Match in a straight smooth brown 1960s-70s BBB Own Make 506 Canadian with a sterling silver band and a tapered black vulcanite stem. Community Coffee, neat, is my drink. Harry the Hairy seemed rather passive today. I've never seen that in him before. A while ago, I sat down with him outside, and he laid in my lap while I rubbed and scratched him. He perked up after that although Daisy the Feral Princess was not especially pleased to see it. She has a way of staring when she shows disapproval; sort like an old school teacher who got an apple from all her students, but you. Watching the Braves-Twins game.
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Did a little low calorie snacking, and am smoking year 2021 Watch City Simply VOriental in a straight smooth medium brown 1930s Wilshire 5 bulldog (Comoy’s second) made for John’s Pipe Shop in Los Angeles with a black vulcanite saddle stem. Ice water and bergs is my drink. Tomato the Brave hasn't seemed as hungry as usual the past three days, so we tried some wet food that he hasn't had before, and he ate as fast as he could. I figured he needed a little more variety, and am happy that was the case. Everybody else ate except for the absent Abner the Eager, who snoozed next to m'lady earlier this evening.
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Short answer, no.

The real extortionist isn't the federal government either, federal tariffs approximately double the cost of tobacco - $22 CDN for every 50g. The Manitoba government has a 0.45 cent per gram tariff that they throw onto any tobacco order outside the province which exceeds 200g...apparently. Even orders originating in Canada, from Ontario, Quebec, etc. I only was able to get this information after protracted "conversations" with CBSA following my last large order. They were extremely reticent to discuss it or provide information on the legislation "because it is a provincial legislation". I had several large orders that came through without provincial tariffs prior to this one. I do not know why.

Solution, keep my orders small, 200g (7 oz) or less and cheapest shipping. Consumer goods have an excise on them, too - a sales tax 4%.

Living elsewhere looks better with every change of provincial and/or federal leadership. Tobacco is only the tip of the iceberg.

Also, one of my work cobs caved today- They get heavy use, 4-6 bowls a day without rest, alternating days. I expected it. I've decided to order five cobs for next season and colour code their stems, like day-of-the-week gitch. That way they will get a six day rest between uses. I don't think I'll meddle with their construction again, either.

My current order containing a new Cobbler, a Country Gent, Velvet (7oz), and pipe cleaners arrives tomorrow. The taxes on it were what I expected from all previous orders excepting my last.
@Singed I may have asked you this before. Have you considered growing your own? There are some active websites on this, and seed sources for the tobacco strains we like in our blends.
I decided to switch things up a bit., Smoking a Continental king size- bent bulldog,Sutliff vanilla maple. a large glass of green tea over ice.
The kitchen walls took along time to get cleaned,but they came out great! much to my surprise,my wife agreed with me that it does not need to be repainted! I was going to start de-greasing the oak cabinets,but my back is not happy so they will have to wait until tomorrow...
Murphys oil soap works great for stained cabinets. Takes the grease off and leaves a nice shine.
Almost half way through this bowl of pre-2014 Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 2014 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend squashed tomato with an aluminum band and a black pearl acrylic stem in the military mount style. Ice water and bergs is my drink. Getting ready to feed cats before the Pirates-Cubs game starts. I was hoping to watch it as it's supposed to be one of two possible games to be broadcast on MLB TV, and rookie phenom Paul Skenes is pitching for the Pirates today. But, it looks like they'll go with the Guardians-Royals game, so I'll watch that important game while I listen to the other game on the XM. Good thing that I'm not addicted to anything. :)
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Cleaned a few pipes, hydrated my cigar humidors, fed all the ferals, and am not far from finishing this bowl of year 2020 Watch City Rouxgaroux in a smooth medium bend 2021 Peterson POTY Natural 4AB No. 6/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. Lunch follows this smoke. Skenes had a rough start, but he's pitched better since.