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Brothers of Briar

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Good morning BoB,
This morning I smoked some Captain Black Copper in my mm cob. Out of the captain black lineup, I like copper the best.
Yesterday was pretty great. My wife and I went to Camp Sherman and had a picnic lunch on the bank on the bank of the Metolius river and afterwards foraged for wild yarrow, rosehips, and chocolate mint. After, I drove home and spent some time talking to old friends online.
Good morning BoB,
This morning I smoked some Captain Black Copper in my mm cob. Out of the captain black lineup, I like copper the best.
Yesterday was pretty great. My wife and I went to Camp Sherman and had a picnic lunch on the bank on the bank of the Metolius river and afterwards foraged for wild yarrow, rosehips, and chocolate mint. After, I drove home and spent some time talking to old friends online.
@Gaius Marius, do you buy CB Copper in bulk, or did you stash the tinned version?
Now smoking Arango Balkan Supreme in a Hardcastle's Crown bent billiard with saddle stem.

Starting off my smoking day with a bowl of pre-2014 Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 2014 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend squashed tomato with an aluminum band and a black pearl acrylic stem in the military mount style. Just fed Sleepy Suzy and Molly Danger. Watching Mad Dog Russo. Will check on the ferals soon.
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Good Day!
I had a horrible night's sleep and got out of bed around 5am. I started a bent MM Washington Rob Roy with GLP Westminster and did some medical research about arterial blockages. When I finished that pipe it was time to take a couple of ducklings that didn't make it to the UNH lab for analysis. I took my morning GLP Westminster in a bent MM Apple Diplomat and coffee along for the ride. Now I'm sitting outside on this cool afternoon with GLP Abingdon in a bent MM Missouri Pride along with a fresh cup of coffee.
Did a set of walking reps on this very beautiful day, and am not far from finishing this bowl of year 2016 D&R Three Sails in an undated straight brush etched black Molina apple with a nickel band and a tapered black vulcanite stem. Fed Daisy the Feral Princess and Tomato the Brave, and the others (sounds like the first season theme lyrics from Gilligan's Island). Harry the Hairy stood driveway guard while I was walking after he ate. I brought Abner the Eager in to eat, and he just finished eating an entire bowl of dry food. As skinny as he is, I wonder where he puts it all.

Abner the Eager.
This morning we lost our oldest cat, she was 14 or 15 and adopted us when she left her home and came to sit on my lap one afternoon. I returned her to her owners and she escaped a second time and was with us ever since. My mother wasn't a cat fan but she lived with us for three months and Bella became the Apple of her eyes, would sleep with her and could do no wrong. Bella became the surrogate mother of Zita, Rosa's kitten and most recently Archie and Billy Scamper. We laid her to rest this afternoon under the honeysuckle bush.
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Bella's on the bottom of the pile!

I'm sitting outside with GLP Ashbury in an MM Missouri Pride and a cup of coffee.
I/we are truly regret hearing of your loss. Miz Bella lived a good life in a caring home! Bless her and the both of you. Enjoy the wonderful memories of your fur baby!! FTRPLT (cat-daddy of six!!)
Enjoyed a tall stack of cinnamon raisin French toast with a golden delicious apple on the side, and am half way through this bowl of year 2020 Watch City Rouxgaroux in a smooth medium bend 2021 Peterson POTY Natural 4AB No. 6/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. Gold Star 50th, neat, is my drink. Going to clean a few pipes.
Did a second set of walking reps, and smoked a bowl of year 2015 D&R A.B. Rimboche in an undated slight bend, smooth flame grain Wessex Standard egg with a brown accent on the black vulcanite saddle stem. I got a laugh out of Harry the Hairy because he changed positions three times to get a better look at me while I was walking up and down the street. At the end of my last lap, Harry was at the end of the drive way to greet me with a big meow. I wish he'd get a job as a Wal-Mart greeter because we could use the discount on cat food.
Near the last quarter of this bowl of year 2022 unreleased Sutliff Brown Virginia Flake in a 1920s medium bend smooth dark brown BBB Umbra bulldog with a tapered black vulcanite stem with an orific bit. Getting ready to watch the Braves-Rockies game.
I only had Truck Blend in the Stetson Truck pipe today, but it was good. Off tomorrow, so plans to enjoy a more selected tobacco and pipe at a leisurely pace. Going to see Gillian Welch and David Rawlings. They have very good and unique music. First saw them in Nashville over 20 years ago during a Los Lobos concert (I think), and they blew us away.
Relaxing after a wonderful salad, cod and snow peas dinner with strawberries for dessert. I've just over a quarter of a bowl left of Watch City English Ernie-ental in a straight dark brown and tan rusticated Peterson 2023 Saint Patrick’s Day 264 Canadian with an Irish flag colored ferrule and tapered black acrylic stem. Community Coffee, neat, is my drink. Watching the Braves-Rockies game.
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