It's 15:00 CDT and I'm having a bowl of some of the "new" Durbar which STG/Orlik has done a GREAT job with!! It's STILL one of the finest Balkans available !! Smoking it in my Savinelli Champagne 816 KS like this one. Sadly they don't make this series anymore and I've only got 4 of 'em but they ALL are some fantastic smokers !! :cheers:
It's 17:39 CDT and having some pre-dinner bowl of religion, some Presbyterian in my Hardcastle "Jack-o-London" Banker I got back in '70. Mea culpa, mea culpa :twisted: :twisted:
Now smoking one of my favorite tobaccos of all time: Dunhill Navy Rolls in a much cherished smooth straight grain three quarter bend 1979 Becker M 4 heart brandy. I gave into temptation and opened a two year old tin when I opened the two year old bag of Tilbury.
Needed more perique, so I'm smoking Arcadian Perique in a mid-late 1930s straight black grain relief Dunhill OX Shell bulldog with a silver band repair.