What are you snuffing?

Brothers of Briar

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WoS Cherry Menthol........thinking maybe it's time to order something stronger. Good stuff but.......
Creedence songs, I am thinking "Lodi" might be good. Because now it would awesome to be stuck in Lodi, with all that primo Zinfandel they got flowin there. :p
Old Mill Greyhound.

This is really, really good snuff. Its "outdoors" aroma is fantastic. quite complex.
Good spackeling of WoS Cherry Menthol followed by a snort of the same about a minute later off the spoon. Holy effing wow batman!!!!! That's some sinus clearing stuff right there.
I have to take it easy on the menthol. If I use it more than once it clogs my sinuses something fierce.

I only have the one tapbox with me today: Dholakia Swiss Chocolate.
Old Mill Evangeline.

Another very, very good flavor. Also quite complex and once again the "outdoors" scent experience is sensational. I can definitely feel the perique in this one. It's spicy in the nostrils.
gravel":q42xy9eo said:
I have to take it easy on the menthol. If I use it more than once it clogs my sinuses something fierce.
I haven't had a problem with that when I just spackel it in but after getting a good snort of it this morning I can definitely see where it could cause problems.

WoS Best SP
I really enjoy medicated snuff. There's a certain elation that it gives that's unlike anything else.

My personal favorite is WoS Ice Licorice. So far the only menthol snuff I have had I didn't love was Poschl Presidente, which is just menthol and no added flavor. That one did have a certain clogging affect.

Dhlokia Swiss Chocolate..
Old Mill Shandygaff.

Solid snuff, maybe a little flatter than I'd hoped, but good.
Sitting here playing with Black Magic. Gotta admit, the menthols rarely see the inside of my nostrils, of even the SP's or other highly scented items. I vastly prefer blends like the Viking Dark, Kendal Brown, Black Rappee, Santo Domingo, London Brown, etc. Dark, pretty natural, sorta like Black Gold potting soil.
Ozona Raspberry

A nice sweetness, I find it pretty easy on the menthol, nice scent

And another sniff of the poschl Grado before that, I really like that one.
Hakuna Matata - a new snuff made from ground up grubs, harvested by meercats and wart hogs in the African jungle. Either that or I've finally OD'd on The Lion King.
On the way home from work two bumps of Dholakia Swiss Chocolate.
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