What are you snuffing?

Brothers of Briar

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I cannot say enough good things about Chef Daniel or his snuffs. Great guy to do business with, at least from my dealings.

Of his snuffs, I've tried 8 (one more on hand that I haven't cracked yet). Shandygaff fell just a bit flat for me, otherwise the rest are all top notch (Ecrous Brulee, Spotted Dick, Calypso, Mojito, Limoncello, Toast and Jelly, Fire and Ice). Still waiting to dig into Black Ice.
Oh and hey...pro tip for anyone new to "artisan" snuff: don't use your fingers to pinch.

Most of these aren't pasteurized/preserved or otherwise treated, so microbial nasties from your paws can get into the snuff and set things to mold. This doesn't apply to small tins if you plan to open it and snuff it until its gone in fairly short order. But if you're inclined to take a few pinches, then stow it away for a while and try something else either use a metal snuff spoon (I use the trowel part of a czech pipe tool) or transfer it from the tin into a snuff box you'll carry around with you.

Bonus Pro-Tip: fridge 'em too, if you don't already.

By "artisan" snuff, I'm talking specifically about Old Mill, Sir Walter Scott, and Toque (although I'm not sure if Toque still falls into that category, now that they've grown and are a major brand within the community - Roderick might be able to let you know if he still avoids preservatives or not). I'm also not sure about Molens/de Kralingse. There might be others but those are the only ones I know of off the top of my head.
Putting an Old Mill order together now. Thanks for the info on microbial/fungal suppression. Esp with warm weather pretty much here, fridge storage is a wise move for any and all I would think.

My first OM order might just be:

Marlin Spike

We'll see.
Another flavor from gravel. Dholokia Swiss Chocolate. This is a great snuff, with a deep fermented tobacco scent. Reminiscent of some of the schmalzlers that I have been snuffing, although less moist and very chocolaty. Hands down the best chocolate flavored snuff I have tried. Thank you gravel.

Blackhorse, I think you would enjoy this one.
OK my budget is blown. Nothing new with that.

Just placed an order with Old Mill Artisan Snuff:

Marlin Spike 25g
Tempete 12.5g
Acadia 12.5g
Nocturne (sample)

I strongly recommend against requesting a PDF menu from Dan at:

[email protected]

The inherent danger is significant!
Heh...the worst part is getting added to the mailing list.

In the spirit of the thread, I'm currently finishing off my little box of F&T HDT that I keep in my desk at work. I'm actually kind of tiring of it, so I doubt I'll refill it from the main tin at home for a while.

When I get home, it's some F&T Santo Domingo (anyone had their Old Paris or Morocco? I'm thinking of tossing some in my next order.).
I was snuffing Morocco last night. I am thinking that might be one that F&T categorizes as an SP. It's a bit citrusy but altogether smells like cheap plastic, but in a good way. Ha, Ha..
Heh. It looks like you found a way to contact Chef Daniel. He posts what he is working on in the future and it is quite enticing.

I have some picked out, I'm waiting for their release.

Re: refrigeration. Abraxas also falls in the category of snuff to refrigerate, if necessary. Chef Daniel doesn't refrigerate any of his snuff, he just stores it all in a cool dry place. I do the same.
After today's Swiss Chocolate binge (that's a fantastic snuff, very rich),
I am working on some Old Mill flavors. Butternut Toast and Evangeline. Both are pretty good. The toast has a swift burn with a quick fading flavor. The course rough grind of Evangeline has a bit more staying power, lending kind of a light fermented VA aroma.
Evening with NTSU Black...nasty, evil stuff. Brutally lovely. When you're slapped, you'll take it and you'll like it!

Late night with Santo Domingo. Flashing island getaway commercials...aqua surf, cabanas, lounge chairs, tall drinks with little red plastic monkeys & island aromas. Ah yes mon...it be de life.

Looking at a weekend of heavy rain...real soaker. Works for me.
send that rain our way. We really need it.

Ending the evening with Kendal Mastiff. Wow, this is good snuff. Moist, deep and dark tobacco flavor, course grind, and a bit of peppermint. beautiful aroma..
How cool. Dig it math freaks and geeks! It's National Pi Day!   :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

π = 3.1415

Today's date = 3/14/15

So dig out your pie flavored snuffs! Got any Apple, or Cherry? How about Pecan (nuts & brown sugar or molasses)? Maybe banana or chocolate...whatever.

Speak up snuffers...what snuff will you come up with to celebrate this auspicious and unique day?


Me? I got nuthin'. Is there such a thing as tobacco pie? If so, then I got it handled since I'm starting out with Gawith Kendal Brown, which is easily one of the straightest, least adulterated snuffs out there. It's just tobacco, lovingly and expertly handled...no fruit, no kitchen spices, no menthol, etc. Straight glorious tobacco. 

Maybe that's celebration enough.
Hmm... Sorry Blackhorse I don't have any pie snuffs... But I have a nose full of Viking, Thor's Hammer at the moment and I would be more than willing to eat some pie!
Toque Lime Toast would be delicious today. I am all out of it. OM Greyhound it is!
SnuffnStuff...welcome aboard. 

Always good to see a new partner in cri...er, member! Yeah, that's it. A new member.


Gravel...Key Lime would have worked for the Pi thing...Greyhound is definitely out!  lol


Me...I'm keeping on the Mr. Natural wagon with a nice pinch of NTSU Black.
Enchanto Domingo tonight, and a few hits of Mastiff. Gravel, you the man. thank you kindly, I have found some new favorite flavors here..
An evening spent with Gawith Kendal Brown. This completely natural snuff is rapidly approaching the status of 'most favored'. Wonderful tobacco goodness, nice N nudge, serious ease of use all conspire to make it so.
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