What's your pocketknife?

Brothers of Briar

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Who says assault by canned pasta isn't epic?

Lol I can just see PB now....Marlboros rolled up in the sleeve of his 2 sizes too small white tee, pulling up on his panhead with brass knuckles on one hand, chain in the other. His buddies behind him with jeans rolled up flood style, one sporting a baseball bat and the other weilding a switchblade.

The fat middle aged cook in the greasy spoon across the road says "Looks like that Salyer kid startin some trouble again, just last week they found the Jones boy unconcious and bloody on the side of the road. Rumor has it he owed Salyer money for some bike parts. I'll tell you what, that kid is a bad seed, his daddy ought to give him a good whuppin."

Lol don't mind me I didn't sleep last night...little delirious today.
Kyle Weiss":1dajcjde said:
puros_bran":1dajcjde said:
Kyle Weiss":1dajcjde said:
Really? A knuckleduster? :lol: No sandbag? Paddy-whack? Blackjack? 8)
I'm old school Kid.
Whatever gets the job done. Threw a hot can of spaghetti-o's I was toasting on a charcoal fire in the face of some crackhead that was shakin' down a buddy of mine under a bridge. It wasn't epic, but it worked. :lol: Ah, the teen years. Fun.
The single time I was ever in a pocket, I used the most immediate weapon at hand. Some guys in a dodgy part of town stopped my car and tried to force me to drive down a blind alley. The one that was armed had a short-barreled H&K G-36. Those of you who know your guns are thinking the same thing I was: where'd this hoodrat get a rifle like that? The airsoft store, of course! He was smart enough to take off the orange plastic muzzle cap, and keep far enough away to keep me from getting a good look, but dumb enough that "far enough away" was directly in front of my car. I just hunkered down a bit in my seat and floored it. I'll never forget the look on his face as he rolled over my hood. I'd driven a few more blocks before I even thought about the .38 Chief's Special on the seat beside me.
This is interesting as the latest knife purchase I made was a "Dr.'s Knife." I use it primarily with my pipe. The slender build allows me to use it as a tamper and all purpose pipe-tool.

However, I'd really like something non-stainless that will keep an edge. My carving knives are razor sharp and I simply sharpen them with a leather strop and yellow compound. Man, just a few swipes on that stuff and you can shave with the things.

I'd like a pocket knife that sharp.

Any suggestions where I can shop online?

Leatherman in a pocket, miniature Spyderco on the keys, a Victorinox Huntsman and a cheap (but with precise pliers!) multi-tool in my backpack.

The mini Spyderco is mightily practical to use around knife-scary people. Nobody perceives it as a threat, so you can open or peel things unconcerned.
Leatherman has a semi-serrated blade which I find useful at times, and the poor cheap multi-tool (3$ !) gets so abused it could sue me if it could talk to a lawyer, but it's still in great shape. I wanted to buy myself a Leatherman Charge TTi, but I can't see the point of it now. Not saying that they are equal, but this cheap multi-tool is more than adequate for my needs.
The Victorinox is the only blade (that I have) sharp and thin enough to cut plug tobacco fine. ;)

As for weapon vs tool - I carry a pepper spray as my first choice. I could use the Leatherman in a case of dire need (spray malfunction), but pepper spray is so much more civilised.

I admit, I do have a drawer full of cheap Chinese knock-off folders, but for some time now I'm not interested in buying a single knife any more. (Except for a blunt balisong trainer, but that's an OCD reliever, not a knife. :p ) I'm waiting to finish the smithy bellows with a friend, and then we can try ourselves at bladesmithing. :)
s.ireland":o5f3w8fc said:
Kyle Weiss":o5f3w8fc said:
(kinfe picture)
Kyle, I've been carrying this exact Gerber for at least 5 years. It's a great little knife. Fits perfectly into the little change pocket in my jeans
I forgot to reply to this, Shane:

My only qualm with that particular knife is if it isn't tightened at the joint precisely, the tip tends to poke at my fingers, get caught under a fingernail, etc... gotta be careful with it.
I pulled the trigger on this last night. All you people and you're pocket-knife talk, have me jonsin for a new one. Man!!!!



A slightly modified Victorinox, an M4 Sebertool, and a Spyderco Endura 4.
Thank you Martin. I like it too. It was my first experience with VG-10, and I have been pleased with it. The big surprise is that M4, I have actually cut chain link with it using cheater pipes. It's a shame those are no longer made.

Man, really? Chain link? I'm impressed. I was just looking at the CRKT M16, that looks like a great, entry level knife. But, right now I can't afford to buy yet another knife. :)

Simple Man,

How are the edges on those blades? I finally purchased my first non-stainless knife, and I look forward to having something that I can actually sharpen, opposed to the knives I've had which wouldn't hold an edge, nor stay sharp very long.

BTW: Half-Penny, very cool! I don't have anything that old, at least I don't think so. :) Of course, if you ask my wife, she'd tell you I'm an old fart.

I know that carrying a pocket knife really isn't a replacement for carrying a real weapon to protect yourself with, but do you feel a sense of security when carrying your favorite blade? I've often toyed with the idea of carrying something for protection, mainly because I live in a place with too many angry and out of control people. Just going to the mall for shopping, you can get into an altercation with people. Of course, that's often because I'll call BS on people when they act like jerks, which I probably shouldn't do. But I just can't abide people being jerks to the poor clerks working behind the counters.

That said, I got into a situation a year ago or so, where someone got in my face. I think if I'd had something on me, maybe even Mace, I could have made the guy back down a lot easier.

Just curious how you deal with things like this. Carrying a gun is out of the question, as my wife opposes the idea.

Hey, don't go blamin' me, now. Though I do admit, askin' a bunch of guys what they knife they prefer is like asking them if they want a beer... most are going to partake. 8)
I use this knife as my pipe tool.

When I bought it the blade was razor sharp and staid that way until I decide to carve some briar with it. Intelligent, huh?

Well, I ran it across a wet stone today and then used my leather strop with compound and the darn thing is sharp as heck again. I'd say it's not quite as sharp as when it arrived from Amazon, but it's pretty darn close.

How do you guys edge and sharpen your 440 Stainless knives?
dr's knife

MartinH":qyjbq1kt said:
I know that carrying a pocket knife really isn't a replacement for carrying a real weapon to protect yourself with, but do you feel a sense of security when carrying your favorite blade? I've often toyed with the idea of carrying something for protection, mainly because I live in a place with too many angry and out of control people. Just going to the mall for shopping, you can get into an altercation with people. Of course, that's often because I'll call BS on people when they act like jerks, which I probably shouldn't do. But I just can't abide people being jerks to the poor clerks working behind the counters.

That said, I got into a situation a year ago or so, where someone got in my face. I think if I'd had something on me, maybe even Mace, I could have made the guy back down a lot easier.

Just curious how you deal with things like this. Carrying a gun is out of the question, as my wife opposes the idea.
I carry a Kershaw 1550ST and a Victorinox Officier. But, for protection, I'm never far from my S&W Bodyguard .380. I also keep a Springfield XD40 in the car most of the time. The thing about carrying a firearm, in my opinion, is you have to know your weapon inside-out, and you have to make the commitment to use it without remorse, if, and when, the time comes.

If you're morally opposed to carrying a firearm, you might want to check into Pepper Spray, or a Taser.

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