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Brothers of Briar

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Good morning,
I just got in from work,it wasn`t a bad day I am just having problems working in the humidity.It`s been raining off and on all morning which triggers my back pain. Anyway Smoking a Savinelli 616, Lane LL-7,Mug of Pete`s dark roast.
Good morning BoB and a happy Sunday to you all.
This morning I tried making and smoking some tumbleweed in my cob. Thanks for the recipe Ranger, tasty blend!
After having made breakfast for some guests yesterday, I have a load of bacon fat left over. To use it up, I'm in the process of making biscuits and gravy for a late lunch.
Its time to steep some tea.
Passing the last third of this bowl of pre-2014 Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 2014 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend squashed tomato with an aluminum band and a black pearl acrylic stem in the military mount style. Ice water and bergs is my drink. The house has finally cooled down. Fed my cats, and Daisy the Feral Princess. Going to check on the others in a few minutes.
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Enjoyed a tasty lunch, fed all of the ferals, and am not far from finishing this bowl of year 2020 Watch City Rouxgaroux in a smooth medium bend 2021 Peterson POTY Natural 4AB No. 6/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. Coffee from a freshly opened bag of Gold Star 50th, neat, is my drink. Sure is nice to have a cool home again. Not walking today due to being behind in a lot of things that didn't get done the last two days, and the humidity level is so high that I'm spending my energy catching up on what has to be done. Watching/listening to the Red Sox-Tigers game.
I am sitting under a hickory tree (hope I don’t get beaned by a nut), because it raining slightly on and off. Having Bluff Blend with added Five Brothers which has improved it and in an old beat up MM cob. We will have 9 adults and 5 children plus a toddler over at 5. I'm steeling myself for that, but all is good as the youngest is one of ours 😀.
Now smoking year 2021 Erik Stokkebye 4th Generation Evening Flake in a smooth medium bend 2021 Peterson Ebony POTY 4AB No. 422/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. The thunderstorms have returned, so I let Abner the Eager in. Daisy the Feral Princess is snoozin' on her blanket. Tomato the Brave and Harry the Hairy are hiding somewhere; probably under the deck. Watching/listening to the Mariners-Angels game.
Good morning BoB and a happy Sunday to you all.
This morning I tried making and smoking some tumbleweed in my cob. Thanks for the recipe Ranger, tasty blend!
After having made breakfast for some guests yesterday, I have a load of bacon fat left over. To use it up, I'm in the process of making biscuits and gravy for a late lunch.
Its time to steep some tea.
Can't take credit. It's Zippos recipe for Hobbits Weed but being a cowboy, not a Hobbit, I call mine Tumbleweed, lol.
I had a lazy afternoon,fell asleep watching the Yankee game. Now smoking a Pete Strand with Lane LL-7,Bottle of Pellegrino mineral water, I have a short 2 hour work day early in the morning I hate the catering business! So this may be the last smoke of the day.
A third of the way through this bowl of 2019 C&D Yorktown in a smooth medium bend 2021 Peterson POTY Terracotta 4AB No.108/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. At the moment that the Braves-Phillies game was to start on ESPN, the screen turned black with a message that their contract with Disney has expired. Boneheads! At least I can listen to the game on the XM.
A third of the way through this bowl of 2019 C&D Yorktown in a smooth medium bend 2021 Peterson POTY Terracotta 4AB No.108/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. At the moment that the Braves-Phillies game was to start on ESPN, the screen turned black with a message that their contract with Disney has expired. Boneheads! At least I can listen to the game on the XM.
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Luckily for me, m'lady has the ESPN app on her Ipad so I can watch the game after all. Good thing for me that I don't watch ESPN very often.
We are having family over tomorrow and thankfully cooler, drier weather has rolled into the Bluegrass. It was perfect for getting out to mow the lawn and tidy up with the edger and trimmer. I was going to use the the term "weed-whacker," but I've learned that some of my fellow BoBs are a mite tetchy when it comes to landscape management nomenclature. 😏 I'm now relaxing on the patio with Wilke Royal Admiral in a 1994 Peterson Sherlock Holmes Mycroft with fishtail stem, a glass of Ballantine's Scotch over ice, and I'm listening to the "Thistle & Shamrock - Gaelic & Celtic Music" playlist on Spotify.

Relaxing after a wonderful salad, steel head trout and snow peas dinner with strawberries for dessert. I'm passing the quarter mark of this bowl of year 2016 Peter Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake in a straight smooth brown post-1964 Parker Super Bruyere 88/F group 3 bulldog with a tapered black vulcanite stem.
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It's my version of Cowboy Coffee. Not exactly the same but several BoBs on here say they like it. 60% SWR regular, 25% black cav, 15% ODF. By volume, not weight, and I just eyeball it so it's not precise just approximate. And, you can adjust to taste. Want a bit sweeter, add cav, back off on ODF, stronger, add more ODF, less SWR. One thing I do is before mixing in the ODF I take scissors and cut the ODF into smaller chunks so it mixes better and spreads the flavor out more. Let me know if you like it.
Thank you Sir for the response. I have everything except the old dark fired. I actually still have 6 tubs of the Lane version of Sir Walter Raleigh. I don't like the stuff coming out of Denmark at all. SWR regular was my all day smoke for years so I always stocked up when the 12oz tubs went on sale. So I still have the SRW that looks like dried granola chunks and tastes delicious and smells even better in the room. I have about 24 ounces of Captain Black Dark and 12 ounces of BCA. I'll probably use the CB Dark.
Good morning fellow BoBs. It's cheating Thursday with a short bowl of Urban Cowboy in a Pete Kinsdale Rhodesian with a mug of CR coffee. Taste is a bit off, probably due to the radiology treatments, but still good. Jim, just kidding about the tobacco, have more than I will likely ever smoke, especially now that I have to cut back somewhat. BTW, I have 3 meers by I. Baglin, all great smokers. Have a great day my friends. Time to head off to the radiology center.
When my wife was on chemo nothing tasted right for her, then when she started radiation she said her tastes got worse. She did 16 rounds of chemo and 7 weeks of radiation. Her last treatment was not this past April but the one before that. Her tastes are just started to go back to normal.